
Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers


Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Friday, November 28, 2008


Congrats to Jason and Stacey on the birth of their little girl Savannah Jane Starnes. She was born on November 24 and weighed 5 lbs and 14.5 ozs. She has a beautiful head full of hair. Congrats to you too Jackson! You are going to be a great big brother.

Thank you Mrs. Stacey for the cute little Thanksgiving outfit. It fit me perfect and I took a much needed nap in it after eating turkey and pumpkin pie (from my mom of course).

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

What a very special Thanksgiving! We are so thankful to have such a wonderful addition to our family. We went to my sister's house to eat eat eat and Ty had a blast. Here are a couple of pics from today:

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

4th Doctors Appointment

Ty had his 2nd check up today. He loves his doctor. Today we found out that most babies loose a bunch of weight after they are born and hopefully by the time they are 2 weeks old they have gotten back up to their birth weight. Well, Ty not only reached his birth weight, he gained a pound! Yep, he weighed in at 11 pounds exactly and grew from 22 1/4 to 22 3/4 inches. He is a growing boy. He is waaayy past the national average.

Ty is also starting to look at people more for a longer period of time. Last night he looked at his daddy for a while and responded to his voice. It was so awesome. He also picked up his head and turned it over all on his own while he was laying on daddy's chest. Here are some of Ty's "quirks":
-He hates to have his arms pinned down. For example, when we swaddle him, he does not like to have his arms under the covers. We have to pull them out.
-Anytime you move him, he grunts and moans like we are messing up his comfort. It is so funny.
-He likes to purse his lips in a circle. It looks like he is trying to whistle.
-He doesn't care for his feet to be messed with. I assume this comes from being stuck in the NICU so many times.
-He likes to "poot" alot and he smiles when he does it (like his daddy).

He is such a good boy and we enjoy every minute with him. Here are some cute pics:

Belly Button

Finally, Ty can show off his adorable belly button! His umbilical cord fell off on Sunday. It kinda scared me because I went to change his diaper and saw that it was missing. I looked in his pj's and found it in there. I am glad it fell off on its own. I was so scared I was going to pull it off when I changed his clothes. Here is that adorable belly button:

Monday, November 17, 2008

What a Journey

On Thursday November 6, I went to the doctor and we scheduled a C-section for Monday November 10th. Well, that plan changed real quick. Thursday night, Friday morning at 12:30, I started having contractions. At 1:15am, I woke Travis up and we timed them for about an hour and a half. They were anywhere from 2-8 minutes apart. We called the doctor and she said to come on in to the hospital. We got there at 4:00 and by 6:15am, the doctor had come by and said we were doing the c-section right now. I was in active labor and the contractions were getting real strong. After getting 2 bags of fluids in me, they prepped me for the surgery and wheeled me back.
Everything was happening so fast. At 8:40am, Tyler Kenneth Jackson made his debut. He cried almost instantly when he came out. I cried the whole time. They cleaned him up and I got some kisses. Trav went with him to the nursery and I went to recovery. Once they got him measured and cleaned up, he brought Ty to me and I got to hold him for the first time. What a blessing form God.

We had lots of visitors on Friday and Saturday. Ty was very excited to meet his new family and friends.

(I can't believe I put such a beautiful picture of me up on the blog.)

On Sunday, Ty started making a rhythmic motion with his arms and legs. To be safe, Theresa, his nurse, took him to the nursery to observe him for a while. This is a sign of seizure activity. At around 4:00, I went to the nursery to hold him for a little bit. While I was there, his arms and legs started moving in motion again. His new nurse Susan was there, and she timed him this time. He went on for about a minute. She did not like the look of it and had the doctor come back in and do another exam. She decided to be safe and had him admitted to the NICU. I can not describe to you how I felt. My heart just broke. Travis and I were so scared. They took him back right away. An hour later they let us come down and see him. The NICU is about 2 months old at Baptist. When you come in, you have to scrub in for 3 minutes. Each baby has thier own room where a nurse sits outside a window to monitor them at all times. There is a pull out couch and a tv there for the parents so they do not have to leave and can spend the night. Being able to stay with him at all times really helped me. When we got back to his room, he was in an isolet with so many wires hooked up tp him.

The sight of that just tore me up. Once I got settled down, Katie Beth, Ty's nurse, told me what all the doctor had ordered for Ty. He was going to have an Ultrasound ouf the brain, and EEG, spinal tap (which they did twice and still could not get any fluid because he was not cooperating), blood cultures and urine test. I have never prayed so hard in my life. Over the next 4 days, we waited for test to be done and results to be given to us. Each day was looking better and better. All the test can back negative and the ultrasound and EEG came back normal. This was great news. On Wednesday, we were finally discharged and how happy were we. I have never been so ready to be home.

Here is my "little monkey" ready to come home

Although, all of Ty's test came back good, he still has to take Phenobarbetal for seizures. He will more than likely be on this med until he is 4-6 months old. The doctor said he will eventually grow out of the dose. Since we have been home, Ty has not had any more "seizure activity". We have seen the doctor 3 times and everything seems to be just fine. My only concern right now with him is that the meds that he is on makes him real drowsy and sleepy. I hope that we can decerease his dose so that he will be more alert and focused. Thanks to everyone for all your thoughts and prayers. God has truly blessed us with such a wonderful support system and a BEAUTIFUL baby boy. Here are a few more pics of our little angel:

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Welcome Tyler Kenneth Jackson

I would like to introduce to you Tyler Kenneth Jackson, Born on November 7, 2008 at 8:40am. He weighed 10lbs 1oz and was 22 1/4 inches long.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Ok, so I had my growth ultrasound this morning. I went in being optimistic but just knew in my heart he was going to be big. Well, I was right. He came in at 11lbs 7ozs. Some of his measurements didn't even measure on the charts. It was somewhat funny. Me, Travis, and the tech all sat there and just laughed. It was amazing how big he was. He is my Toddler!

With him being so big, we are sure we wont be able to naturally deliver, so we have scheduled a c-section. I really didn't want to go this route at all. I wanted to experience everything that comes with labor, but I don't think I will be able to squeeze this one out.

I am excited to know when he is coming though. I am going to have to go back to Babies r Us and exchange a good bit of his 0-3 month outfits for 3-6 months. Now that I know when he is coming, my list of things to get done has lengthened and the work begins. There is still so much to do. As I sit here and write, I think to myself: the next time I post, I will probably have a little baby boy in my arms. I just get so excited. If anything comes up before the delivery, I will post, but if not, be on the lookout for delivery photos!

Monday, November 3, 2008

No baby yet!

I went in for another NST appt this morning and had the same problem keeping Ty's heartbeat. He just did not want to cooperate. We finally got a good rhythm and he made some good movements after we buzzed him TWICE! I was in there forever! I went to see the doc afterwards and she said we are maybe dilated 1cm. Oh come on!!!!! I am ready already. She said we are just waiting on some consistent contractions. She also changed my appt on Thursday from and NST one to a growth ultrasound. Yep, If I make it to Thursday (which I hope I do not) I will get to see how big he is now. It kinda scares me. If he is measuring to big, they may just schedule me a c-section. Not sure though.

Since about 2 o'clock today, I have been having some pretty good contractions. Some being 7 minutes apart and some as much as 15 minutes apart. Nothing consistent though. It is kinda frustrating not know what to expect with a first child. I am sometimes not sure of what I am feeling. Ugghhh. I'm learning though. I will keep all posted. It could be any day now, but knowing my luck, I will go past my due date!