I can hardly believe that my baby will be 4 months old this Saturday. He is growing like a weed. Ty has already been grasping at things, holding them and putting them in his mouth, laughing out loud, smiling at me, letting me know when he gets frustrated, and is just about to ROLL OVER! It is so funny! Once he gets going with his legs and arms, he gets right on the verge of rolling and then flips back the other way. It should happen any day now. He holds his head up real well. We are practicing on sitting up a little too! He is very ticklish on his feet and under his arms. The swing is still is favorite place to be, besides in my arms. His feet are still a quick fly by for him. he will catch them with his eye every once in a while but hasn't caught them yet.
I believe he is teething too! He chews on his hands and has excessive drool! I was 4 months when I cut my first tooth and I have been told your children follow your milestones. I think we might get some teething cookies soon. He loves to put anything in his mouth so I can't wait to see his reaction to a cookie! I will give you all his new stats after his 4 month check up next week.