
Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers


Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Birthday fun

Today we went over to the McGowans for a birthday party for Nicholas. He was turning 4. We also got to see Sean and Jessie with LILAH and Chris and Emily with CORT and COHEN. How exciting. I grew up down the street from Kelly, Chris and Jessica when I was little. We were almost this age when we first met! It was so good to see everyone and to meet the little ones. Chris and Emily have 2 boys named Cort and Cohen and they are just tooo cute. Cort was outsidc swimming most of the time I was there but I got so spend some fun playing time with Cohen. He is so wanting to be an independant child. He made me laugh.



Sean and Jessie have a little girl names Lilah. She was born April 27. She is absolutley beautiful. Her eyes just make you smile. I think Ty noticed her too! I was busy taking pictures and Ty went in for the move. Everyone was like "look at Ty!" He is sneaking a kiss. It was funny. He looked at me and went in for another one. I got that one! He is going to be a ladies man. Lilah didn't mind the first one so much, but the second was enough. I was waiting on Lilah's daddy to come over and have a talk with Mr. Ty. LOL! (mind you, he did all of this on his own. There was no forcing. He just did it. ) It is good to know he has good taste in women.

Beautiful Lilah:

Lilah and Aunt Leah, Two great faces....love you Leah!

Isn't she beautiful!!!! You see why Ty wanted some sugar.
Ty played so well over there. I told Mrs. Lynda she might be a new babysitter. He didnt cry once! (he has stranger danger issues.) You may notice I have no pictures of Nicholas. Well as the birthday boy, he had to much to do. He was outside in the pool most of the time and when he was inside, he was not interested in having his picture taken. 4 yeal olds have alot of energy and keeping him still for a pic was not part of his plan!

Thanks for having us over! We loved seeing everyone.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Let the Happy Boy Begin!

We have TUBES!!! Travis, Ty and I went to Palmetto Surgery center this morning at 6:45am. At 7:30 the anesthesiologist came and took Ty back. He cried a little, but not to bad. At 7:38 the doctor came out and said Ty did great. Not even a minute later the nurse said Ty was awake and we could go back. HE WAS NOT HAPPY. Ty never cries like that. He was SCREAMING and arching his back. Usually when I get him he will calm down, but I wasnt even comforting. He cried all the way home. It broke my heart! He was so pitiful. He was hungry and tired and just plain done with everything. When we got home he took a 30 minute nap and woke up happy as could be. He drank a whole single serving of pedialyte. He tolerated that just fine and so we tried some grits (his favorite) and that went well to. He really does not like having the ear drops put in his ears. They burn so I give him Tylenol before hand. He is now feeling fine and doing better everyday. Here is our day:
In the car waiting to go in:

In the waiting room:

Waiting on vitals:

Getting ready for the anesthesiologist. He was so happy:

Tie goes in the back, look at that butt:

I think he knows whats coming and I don't think he is happy about it:

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Ty loves to help mommy with laundry. When he was a baby I used to put him in the basket with all the clothes. He liked it then too! He thought this was just toooo funny.


So I took Ty to the doctor on Friday because I did not think his ears were any better. Well, his right ear was still infected. Don't forget, he has been on antibiotics everyday since July, 7th. We had an ENT appt set for September 11th. A WHOLE MONTH AWAY. I did not like this. I had called everyday since the appt was made to see if there had been a cancellation. Nothing. Since his ears were not better, Ty's doctor said it was time for rocephin(sp?) shots. I hate to see him get shots. It breaks my heart, but he handles them so well. I told Ty's Dr. when we had the appt set for the ENT and he said he was going to see if we could get it moved up. Well, 30 minutes later we were at the ENT's office seeing the Dr there. What a crazy Friday. I was not expecting any of this at all (mind you I am still hobbleing around on my injured toe, you know the one I hurt when I fell down the stairs in the middle of the night after tending to a crying baby at 2:3o in the morning, and yes it is still purple and HURTING). I called Travis and told him to meet me at the ENT's office and thank goodness he was able to. We have scheduled Ty's tubes for Wednesday morning probably around 6:45 am. I willl get the final time the day before the procedure. He said is should take about 5-10 minutes and that he will be put to sleep with gas and NO NEEDLES. I think the whole NICU experience has really made me sensitive to all this stuff. Anyway, Just asking for prayers for the little man and the doctor. I know this is a routine procedure, but it is not routine for me. I will let you know how things go on Wednesday.
You know I have to leave with a pic!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

9 Months Old

Can I freeze this age? I love it. Ty is so much fun. I feel like he does something new everyday. Let see, He is saying mama, dada, baba, and I think gamma all the time. He is eating any kind of people food except for seafood since grandaddy is allergic to it, oh yeah and nothing with peanuts. He loves chicken and grits! He can eat a whole pack of them. He also like Cheeze Doodles, messy but funny to watch him eat. He is starting to pick small pieces of food up and feed himself. Still no crawling, but we have seen him trying more. He has started to pull his knees to him instead of throwing his feet in the air and screaming causes he cant go anywhere. I am so eager for him to crawl, but still happy to know he will be in the same place that I put him. He also has not pulled himself up or is able to go from a lying down position to a sittoing up position. I think because his ears have been so messed up and his balance has been off, it has slowed him down on these things. Moving to ears, He has now been on antobiotics since July 7th for ear infections. I do not like this at all. We are now going to see the ENT for tubes. I do not have an appointment yet, but hope to hear back next week some time. I am a little nervous about this. I know it is a routine procedure but ever since he has been in NICU, nothing is easy for me. Everything makes me sit on edge a little. I am so hopeful that it will cure these ear infections. We now have 5 teeth with 2 more coming in. I believe we will be seeing some molars soon. He is chewing at the back alot.

Here are his stats:
Height: 29 1/4 inches 80th%
Weight: 21lbs 13ozs 75%
Head: 18 3/4 inches 95%

Ty LOVES to talk on the phone. He knows the difference when it is a real phone and a toy. He likes for someone to talk to him on it so we call grandma alot. He thinks it is funny to hear someone on the other end. He still likes to clap. If you say "yeaaahhhh" he will clap real big. It is so sweet. His new thing that he has started to doing at EVERY diaper change is rolling over while I am changing him. He really likes to do it when I am right in the middle of a stinky. Good Grief. When we go anywhere, someone ALWAYS says to me, "he has the prettiest blue eyes". I must agree, I think he does too. Here are his 9 month pics. He is such a ham.

This was his attitude for the most part while he was getting his pics taken. He was not being cooperative at all. I do love this pic though. I have it in black and white.

Here is Ty's new smile. He squints his eyes and grins real big so his teeth show. It was funny at first, but now that is all he will do.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Ear Infection

We are in the fourth week of a double ear infection and on our 3rd medication for it. This kid has been on more kinds of meds since he has been born than I can count. I am so hoping this round of medicine does the trick. My baby has been so pitiful. You can just see it in his eyes that he doesn't feel well. The new med he is on is only once a day. The doctor did tell me on the way out that it would change his stinkies to a brick red color. Boy, if I would have gone home and not known that and changed his diaper......I would have FREAKED OUT!!!! So...we shall see after a few days how this goes. Hopefully after this we wont have another ear infection for a while.
Here is my precious pumpkin fighting sleep until the bitter end.