Yes I know. It has beed forever since my last post. Everyday life just gets in the way of me getting to this. We have been lately. ( I can also use the excuse of being just lazy, but busy sounds better).
So Ty is walking and walking and walking everywhere! He started this the begining of January and has taken off. He does not like to hold my hand any more either. He can do it ALL BY HIMSELF. I try to hold his hand and he says "No No". This is his favorite word. If he knows he is not supose to do something, he does it anyway and then looks at me and says "no no". It is so stinkin cute but I have hold in the laughter becuase he really shouldn't be doing what he's doin.
Bedtime had gotten much better. (please don't let this be jinxing myself). When it is bedtime, I say let's go night night. He goes straight to the stairs and climbs up. Goes to his crib and wants in. We say our prayers and then he gives me and Trav a kiss and lays down. No more rocking him to sleep (which I kinda miss). He cries sometimes when we leave, but he usually stops before we even get down the stairs. It used to take 45 minutes to get him down. Now its a cool 5 minutes. Another sign he is growing up so fast.
Bath time is a battle. He hates it! I can not emphasize hate enough. He won't even sit down. Every once in a while I can get him to sit down, but it doesn't last long. I've tried putting him in the shower with me, but that makes him just as mad.

He is also talking up a storm. He is always saying SOMETHING. I have no idea what he is saying half the time, but he looks at me like "do you understand me mommy?" Here are his main words:
moo-moo (he likes cows)
quack- kack kack (he LOVES ducks)
He signs: more, all done and thank you. We are going to start learning more soon. I have started getting slack with it.
His new thing is this: when he has a stinky or pee pees in his diaper he makes a yucky sound (like a hard K sound). It is so funny. I guess it is nice for me because he lets me know when he is wet.
I have such a sweet boy. He always wants to hug me and give me kisses. It just melts my heart.