
Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers


Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Edventure with The Higbe's

Yes, I am behind again, but I will catch up.  Lets start with a fun day at Edventure with the Higbe's!  
Its always an adventure when you hang out with the 3 Higbe boys.  They are so much fun and very creative.
They were very excited to be jamming on some drums making delightful music.

Heather is showing them her skills.  She's got rhythm.

Ty crossed this bridge, I believe, 15 times.

Who doesn't love a good camel ride!

What!  Ty not cooperating for a pic?  

How cute are these boys!

Mason is one amazing boy.  He is so sweet.

I fear the day that Ty really does want to snow board.

These boys were killing the boards.  Heather should be afraid too!

Cooper tunneling through!

They found the slide....lets just say we were there for a while.  

Collin driving the boat.  Everybody ....hold on!

That can't be good Collin.

Heather.  One of the strongest, loving, caring, determined and beautiful woman I know.  I am blessed to call her a friend.
Can this boy be any cuter?
Time to go shopping.  
He did so well getting healthy items.

Who doesn't love to drive a firetruck?

These boys are some kinda cool.  
This scares me.  Is this a glimpse into the future?
Heather, are we ready?

Silly boys!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Drawing and Drawing and Drawing and Drawing and more Drawing!!

I knew it would happen.  Ty got way to much for Christmas.  So I  put a few things away to bring out when he got tired of his current toys.  I decided to bring out the easel that his Aunt Bitty got him.  Oh boy.  HE LOVED IT!.  It has a dry erase board on one side, a chalk board on the other and a spindel for a roll of paper to go on.  He really really really likes the dry erase board.  We have bought 3 packs of dry erase markers already!  He tries to write his name and can do the T perfect but the Y is still a little iffy.  

So proud of his work!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Bye Bye Pappy!

I am hoping to start Ty in a preschool program this year.  I have so loved my mom keeping him during the day for us.  He loves it too!  So in preparation, I decided it was time to say bye bye to pappy.   I knew this was going to be a battle, but I was ready for it.  I sat down with Ty and told him we had to give his pappy back to Mr. Pappy Man.  We came inside and colored an envelope and addressed it To: Mr. Pappy Man   From: Ty.

    Daddy walked him out to the mailbox  

Time to put it in the mailbox!
Push it in there real good.

Make sure the door clicks!

Don't forget the flag!!!
Even though this looked painless, it wasn't  He was OK for a while, but when night night came, he wanted Mr. Pappy Man to give it back.  I stayed with him for a while in his room and held his hand and he went straight to sleep, ONLY to wake up in the middle of the night WANTING his PAPPY!!! I ended up putting him in our bed for 2 nights.  Now I am letting him cry it out.  He has done ok.  The one thing I really miss is, he use to sleep til atleast 8, sometimes 9.  Now he is up at 6:45-7.  UGH!  But all in all, he has done good.  We are still whinny when we go to bed, but it now only last for a few minutes. Praise God!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Potty Time

We have been working on potty training for a while, but Ty has not been too interested.  
Everybody always told me "When he is ready, he will get it".  So the second week in May, we tried again.  Grandma went to the Dollar store and WRAPPED a punch of toys and put them in a basket, everytime he pottied, he got to unwrap a present.  At home, he got m&m's and a toy (mcdonalds toys, I have been saving these since he was born) from the basket.  It took 2-3 days for him to get the hang of it.  He only had a handful of accidents.  I was so proud.  A couple weeks into it, after doing so good, he had a few bad days, but got right back into the swing of things.  At night, he wore a pull up.  He would wet them on occasion.  One night I told him " we are going to wear your big boy underwear at night now, so you cant wet the bed."  He has not had an accident yet.  (KNOCK ON WOOD!).  I am so proud of my boy.  He is growing up so fast.  Here are some good first date pictures!