
Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers


Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

October 2012

I love our neighborhood.  So many kids to trick or treat with!  This year, we will charm everyone with a fireman and ladybug. I think Ty came home with candy galore.

 So down the road from our house, a church has pumpkins for sale.  Its fun to go find the perfect ones.  And play with the decorations.
 Funny. He's almost 4 years old too!

 I love this pic.  Logan and Ty had so much fun.  Ty loves to hold Logan.

 Making sure she wasn't falling.

 Love my little owl bug.

 Too much fun.

 Matching jammies from Grandma!

 Logan was set on having this fireman ax.  Thank goodness Ty shares very well with her. For now.  

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Who needs hair anyway

Monday morning I got up and jumped in the shower. In 2 seconds the floor was covered in hair.  To be honest, I wasn't sure how I was going to take it.  I mean, I already had only one breast. How much harder could not having hair be?  So I went about my day...hair falling out everywhere and I mean in handfuls.  I had my womens group bible study that night. One of my friends there, Merewynn, cuts hair.  She was amazed at how it was falling out.  As we watched a movie about Esther, she would look back and check to see how much was laying on my lap.  She was like, you are going to be bald by morning.  I had to laugh.  After having another day of hair everywhere, I decided to have her come over and shave the rest off.  I was ready for this right?  Right.  

 Ty is excited. He loves Mrs. Crazy Merewynn.

 Here goes!

 And...it's gone.

 Now do we look alike? Nope she still looks like Travis.

Thank you Merewynn for doing something that I am sure was not fun for you.  But you made it easy for me. God has blessed me with your friendship.  

So, the whole no hair thing...not to bad.  The hardest part was knowing that people will know now by just looking at you.  And they look at you. Not in a bad way.    I know they are just curious. It doesn't bother me.  They probably have someone they know either going through it or has been through it.  Time to buy some hats and scarves.  Ty loves it and Logan didn't cry when I held her. So I say it was a success!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Can it be This Bad?

This first round of chemo was rough.  It made me so sick.  We all knew going in that I didn't do well with medications.  I just never thought it would be this bad.  I had to go back Wednesday for fluids and every bone and fiber in my body protested.  I could not get out of bed.  Really I couldn't.  I was so sick and dehydrated.  My sister came to pick me up to take me.  Everyone knows how much I love my sister, but at that point in time all I wanted to do was kick her in the teeth.  I wanted to be left alone to waller in my misery.  After a bit of prodding and getting nowhere, she called my mom to "tell on me".  That didn't scare me.  Then called my dad...nope not scared.  So she pulled out a trump card....do it for Ty and Logan.  That was not fair.  Now I really did not like her.  I sat up...got sick again...and let her dress me.  I really didn't want to move.  She got me to Beth.  They decided I had to come back the next day as well.  BOOOOO!  I could not eat or drink without being sick.  It was just horrible.  It took until Saturday before I felt human again.  On Sunday, I had Logan's dedication, so I had to just suck it up.  First one is over with...3 more to go.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Logan's Dedication to the Lord

What a special day.  After a rough week from chemo we got to dedicate Logan to the Lord.  How truly amazing.  I prayed hard that I wouldn't be sick and I still wanted hair. I am so thankful for a church family that really loves children and work so hard to teach them about Jesus.  Logan was a dream today.  No crying or sleeping. Being here made me feel so much better. Logan was able to wear her cousin Ali's dress that she was dedicated in.  It was beautiful. We did forget her hat at home. And as for our outfits.We had just beat the Georgia Bulldogs the day before.  We put a whoopin on them.  It just seemed right to represent them Gamecocks.  

 Dr. Carney.  What a true man of God.

 Ty taking the opportunity to look around during prayer.

 And then Daddy telling him he needed prayer hands.

 Ty is explaining his band aid he had on.

My wonderful parents, AKA Grandy and Grandma.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Next Day

Ugh....Chemo stinks.  That is all.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Logan 6 Months

Half a year old.....Sloooow down!  Here are your stats: 
Weight: 15lbs 4 oz     30%
Height: 26 1/4    61%
Head: 17 1/4    86%

You rolled over this month, but it was an accident.  Mommy mode has started and you like to be held.  I don"t mind though.  You are such a good baby.  

On your first date with Dylan.  This could be trouble.

That's right Dylan.   Keep your eyes on the road.

Daddy is multi-tasking.

First sickness.  Sleeping with Mommy and Daddy.

Yum Yum-Mum Mum

I'm already having to separate you two. HA! 

I sure do love this girl!

Who's Ready for Some Chemo!!!!

So today is the day.Chemo day.  I don't think the word scared truly portrays what I am feeling.  Terrified sounds a little better. But I have to get started so I can finish! Here is a quick glimps of my first day.  

 Here we are rolling up to South Carolina Oncology Associates

 Time to check in!

 Going to Mid level....Infusion.

And we are off...starting my fluids and pre-meds. 
 I will be getting a lot today and will come back tomorrow for more.

 I'm all hooked up to my port. (I'm writing this 3 months past, so little did I know then that the smile on my face would not return for a very long time)

 This is my AMAZING nurse Beth.  She warned me that I probably wouldn't like her after today.  I told her nah...it takes a lot for me not to like someone. (She was right.I didn't want to see her the next day.)

 This is the Adriamycin.  It is not in the drip format.  She has to push it.  It takes about 3-5 minutes.  This is the stuff that will kill you.  I didn't know it then, but good gracious.  

 It's going through my port.

 Red medicine just seems so odd.

 Love this woman.  She is a hoot and takes no crap.

The waiting area.  Just giving you guys an idea of where I am at.  

First day went by pretty well.  Ate a turkey sandwich from the cafe.  It was really good.  Couldnt get my computer to connect to wi-fi there.  That was a bummer.  Hoping the next 3 months go by quickly.