
Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers


Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas 2012

Christmas eve we had my dads side of the family over at moms.  Moe's catered some good food.  There is always lots of singing and crazies with the kids.  

These two little ones wanted their daddies.  I love it. 

Uncle Bucky

Ty showing Grandy his goggles. Uncle Leonard likes them.


Sweet Britley

                                  Yep...I forgot my camera on CHRISTMAS MORNING!!!!!  
I did get Ty opening his stocking but nothing over at Missy's and this was Logan's first Christmas.  What kind of mother am I?

Travis's family came to the house Christmas morning.  It's always a fun time because there are lots of new toys to play with.
Aunt Tracey playing with the kiddos!

New Goggles for Christmas.  He didn't want to take them off

Monday, December 17, 2012

My Next 3 Chemo's

To wrap up my next three chemo sessions with one word is: ETERNITY.  They couldn't go by fast enough.  The second one was the easiest..not as sick but still no fun.  The third one tried to kill me. And the fourth one seemed to last forever.  Food was horrible.  I mean, come on, its bad when the things you love to eat make you sick.  Do you know how much it stinks for someone (cheryl) to bring you Pumpkin muffins and not be able to eat them.  Just. Not. Fair.  I had a hard time drinking fluids mostly.  They made me very nauseous.  Not good seeing how they want you to drink a million glasses a day.  UGH.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Ty's Christmas Program and Union

Who doesn't love a good Christmas program.  Ty was excited about singing all his new songs for everyone.  The program was real cute.  
Ty and Avery

It was hard to get a good picture during the performance.  I didn't have a direct line of sight.

Ty and Madeline

We love you Mrs. Davis

Megan and Ty

Ty and Ella

Mrs. Patterson directing!

Ty and Maddie 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Logan 7 Months

Logan is trying to grow up on me.  She started sitting up for longer periods of time.  She is still falling over but doing a good job holding herself up.  I started chemo this month.  I don't recommend it.  

So she has to be with me ALL. THE. TIME.  I mean goodness.  

Look at me! I am sitting up!

My sweet snuggle bunny!

Sassy pants!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Ty July-Nov random phone camera shots

This boy makes me smile.  My heart runneth over with love for him.  I don't think he could be more fun.
These are just some random shots from my phone.