
Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers


Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Monday, March 25, 2013

My Last Chemo Treatment

Today, March 25,  I had my last chemo treatment.  Thank you Jesus for carrying me through one of the hardest times in my life.  I am so thankful that He went before me and knew just how to take care of me.  He provided me with such amazing support from my wonderful family, Travis,Ty, Logan,  Mom, Dad, Missy, Tony, Ali, Weez, Aunt Lori and Uncle Mike and so many other family member and friends.  I could not have done it with out each of them.  From fund raisers in my honor from Gayle and Heather to food being brought by so many.  I pray everyone has someone in their life that can make them feel as special as these people have done for me.  So so so BLESSED!

The day was perfect!  Labs looked good.  It was Beth's 50th birthday so we did a little celebrating. Got my fluid all hooked up.  Talked Beth into only giving me a half dose of Benadryl so I wouldn't be so drowsy when the kids got there.  Didn't work.  I still fell asleep, but woke up just in time before they got there.  Logan and Ty were perfect.  Well, Logan was a little loud, but that was ok.  
Getting started!

Here is Beth and I on my first chemo treatment.  If I only knew then what I knew now.

 Beth and I on my last treatment.  I sire do love this woman.  I  wasn't always  the best patient but  she always took care of me and kept me going.  

Playing with a chick Ty got from school.

Ty loves his Beth.

Finishing up and waiting to ring the bell.

I'm crying looking at this.  RINGING THE BELL! I'M DONE WITH CHEMO!

I'm telling ya, BEST NURSE EVER!

Did I mention she is funny too! And knows good food and fun games on the ipod!

Wonderful motivation.  My heart is full.

I couldn't love this man anymore than I do.  He has supported me so much through this. He gets a gold star!

The best parents a girl could ask for.  Can you tell they are so happy.  Wipe those tears Mom.  I"M DONE!

I think Beth and my sister could get into some trouble.
So here is where we are at:  I meet with Dr. Ackerman on Wednesday.  I believe I am going to schedule a meeting with the radiologist then to find out if I will be doing radiation.  As soon as I know the plan I will let oyu all know.  Again, thanks for the prayers and support.  Each of you hold a special place in my heart.  

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tubes again

So here is my official apology to Ty.  Mommy is sorry she fused at you for not listening.  As most of you know, Ty is a pretty good listener when asked to do something.  The last month or so he has not been doing so well with that.  After having to tell him numerous times to do something and looking straight at him and him not hearing me, I decided to get his hearing checked before we started punishments.  Thank goodness I took him in.  I wasn't expecting there to be anything wrong, but the audiologist looked at me and said he had mild hearing loss in BOTH ears!  What!!!!  There was fluid on both ears and she said the Dr would probably put tubes in.  I asked her if this would affect his hearing long term and she said that she tested behind the fluid and his ear drums were fine and that he would be able to hear once the fluid was gone.  

So on to Dr. Hill.  He did recommend the tubes and we also decided to take the adenoids out as well.  Ty snores really loud and since it was a minor surgery I was ok with it.
Morning of procedure!  Lets do this. 
Ty and Travis chilling, but only for like 2 minutes.  They are fast.

The morning of surgery.  He was still tired since we had to wake him at 6:15 and he normally wakes around 7:30. 

Prepped and ready to go back. 

All done and heading home.
Don't let this picture fool ya.  He was NOT happy afterwards.  He was screaming in the back.  He had an IV in his hand and he wanted it out!  You can see he is favoring his left hand in the picture.  Once we got him in the car he was better.  He said he did not like the mask.  That is how the put them to sleep.  He said he cried.  It broke my heart.  Dr Hill did say there was a good bit of fluid on both ears and was able to get it mostly all out.  The adenoids were also a good size.  It was good we removed those.  He said Ty would have bad breath for a few day afterwards.  On the way home, We stopped for biscuits at Bajangles and got Ty a jelly biscuit.  He ate the whole thing and then I had to take the biscuit I had left off my Spicy chicken filet and put jelly on that for him to eat.  Not to happy about that, but anything for my sweet boy.  When we got home he layed in bed for 45 minutes and was then ready to play.  It was a normal day for us after that.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Ty's First Baseball Game

Opening Day for Irmo Little League.  The weather was perfect.  A little chilly at 8am but it warmed up nice.  I still can't believe Ty is old enough to be playing T-Ball.  Here is is team walking in the Opening Day Parade.  They all wore pink ribbons on their hats.  I cried and cried.  A little heads up would have been nice.  Travis knew about it but didn't tell me.  

How cute is that #1!!!

Me and my boy.  
This makes me happy happy happy!

This is Jonathan Goodwin.  I went to high school with him.  He plays for the San Francisco 49's.  They were in the Super Bowl this year. Unfortunately, they lost, but he does a super bowl ring from when he played for The Saints.

Waiting on Ty while he takes team pictures.

He looks just like his daddy!
Let's Play Ball!

Waiting in the dug out to take the field!

Getting some practice in before the game.

Getting ready to catch a ball!

Just too cute

Waiting for a ball to come to him in the outfield. 

First Bat!!!!!!!
It's a hit!

He made it to first base!  So proud!  Notice those pick bracelets they are wearing.  Yeah I  cried again.  Aanother surprise for me.  I was then told....there's no crying in baseball.  lol

Second base!  This is my favorite pic!

Leaving third.

Heading home!

Touching home plate! Score! First run of the game.

Waiting to hear what position they are playing.

Another hit!!!
He had such a large fan crowd...Mom, Dad, Logan, Grandma, Grandy, Aunt Lori, Aunt Biddy, Uncle Tony, Ali, Erin, Weez and Mickey all came out.  We took up a lot of space.  And we were all so proud.

After all of this, Ty played on the bounce houses for f2 and half more hours.  Who was tired....This girl. And Aunt Lori and Daddy who were over there with him the whole time.  

Friday, March 8, 2013

The 3 Amigos plus 1

The weather was beautiful, so we just had to get outside and play. We headed over to The Linder's house for some bike riding and whatever else we could get into.  It was so nice to sit back and let them play.  

Ty is tracing Maddie's hand.  I'm sure Mikayla is picking up all the toys.  She was very good at keeping things clean.

Their pup wasn't so happy, she really wished Logan would stop pulling her hair.  

They had so much fun ridding. Everybody fell atleast once, but there were no tears!  Woohoo!