Thursday, October 30, 2008
My second Baby Shower
I know this is REALLY late, but I wanted to say thank you to Stacie, Travis's cousin, for a wonderful baby shower at her new house (which by the way is GORGEOUS!). All the Jackson's and Mooneyham's got together and had a very nice shower for me. It was so nice to spend time with them and to talk about the baby. I was able to find out how much Travis weighed when he was born, 8lbs 1oz. He was the biggest baby on that side of the family. Maybe Ty is just trying to out-do his daddy. If he is, I think he is winning. Travis and I are so lucky to have family that loves us so much. We appreciate everything you do for us. Thank you for all the lovely gifts. I can't wait for each of you to come over and use them with Ty.
Getting Closer
First of all, let me say thank you to everyone for all the prayers. For those who do not know, my grandmother Colleen passed away Tuesday. She had her second stroke and just didn't recover from this one. She was a fighter though. It really breaks my heart that Ty will not get to meet her. She was such an amazing person with so much love. She was really looking forward to meeting him. Every time I would visit her, she would rub my tummy and say "We are waiting for you Little Man. You are just so precious." It would just melt my heart. I am truly going to miss her.
I went to the doctor this morning for another fetal monitoring session. Usually, Ty is very cooperative and I am in and out in 30 minutes. Well, not so much today. He kept moving around and we couldn't get a steady heartbeat. I couldn't feel his movements but we kept loosing the heartbeat. Once we got a steady rhythm, I couldn't get him to make any moves so we could record them. We gave him a quick buzz and that woke him up. I am having some pretty good contractions in my back and now in my abdomen. The doctor says that I am maybe a fingertip dilated but nothing to substantial. This is really important for me right now considering I am having to travel to Spring Branch which is about 2 hours and 45 minutes away for my Grandma burial. The doctor said I should be fine to travel, but to turn around and come back at the first sign of labor.
Just a funny story real quick. The other day I was eating lunch with my dad at Providence hospital. It was just him and me and while we were sitting there eating, I had a pretty good contractions. I made the mistake of telling him, because as soon as I said it, he turned WHITE!!!! He asked if I needed to get to my hospital. It was so funny. The panic on his face was priceless. I loved it. Sorry Dad. I just had to have a record of that one. Anyway. I will keep you posted as soon as something exciting happens.
Thanks again for your prayers.
I went to the doctor this morning for another fetal monitoring session. Usually, Ty is very cooperative and I am in and out in 30 minutes. Well, not so much today. He kept moving around and we couldn't get a steady heartbeat. I couldn't feel his movements but we kept loosing the heartbeat. Once we got a steady rhythm, I couldn't get him to make any moves so we could record them. We gave him a quick buzz and that woke him up. I am having some pretty good contractions in my back and now in my abdomen. The doctor says that I am maybe a fingertip dilated but nothing to substantial. This is really important for me right now considering I am having to travel to Spring Branch which is about 2 hours and 45 minutes away for my Grandma burial. The doctor said I should be fine to travel, but to turn around and come back at the first sign of labor.
Just a funny story real quick. The other day I was eating lunch with my dad at Providence hospital. It was just him and me and while we were sitting there eating, I had a pretty good contractions. I made the mistake of telling him, because as soon as I said it, he turned WHITE!!!! He asked if I needed to get to my hospital. It was so funny. The panic on his face was priceless. I loved it. Sorry Dad. I just had to have a record of that one. Anyway. I will keep you posted as soon as something exciting happens.
Thanks again for your prayers.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The Baby Room is Finished!!!!!
Finally! We are done with decorating the baby's room. Here are a few pics of how it turned out.

I still need to get some picture frames to go by the lamp and hang the mobile, but that is easy work. I also have his name to hang on the wall or I might just stand it on his dresser. Still debating this. Don't you just love his little hat hanging on the wall. That is in honor of his daddy. I am sure Ty will have as many hats as his father.

I still need to get some picture frames to go by the lamp and hang the mobile, but that is easy work. I also have his name to hang on the wall or I might just stand it on his dresser. Still debating this. Don't you just love his little hat hanging on the wall. That is in honor of his daddy. I am sure Ty will have as many hats as his father.
Monday, October 20, 2008
My First Fetal Monitoring
I went in this morning for my first fetal monitoring appointment today. I was very exctied to be able to hear the heartbeat for a long period of time. I was also looking forward to sitting and relaxing and maybe even taking a nap while they recorded what they needed. Little did I know that I had a job during all this. They informed me that I could not sleep and had to push a button everytime I felt him move. I was so tired from the night before from not getting a good night sleep, that I think I may have missed a few movements due to the soothing sounds of his heartbeat putting me to sleep.
The monitor showed everthing looks good and that I am having contractions. She asked me if I were feeling them and I told her that I am having so many aches and pains that I do not know what is a contraction and what isn't. They also checked to see if I had dialated any and so far nothing yet. The baby is head down, so we are ready when the time comes. I asked her if we could go ahead and schedule an induction for next Monday and the answer is still no. I am trying to enjoy the little bit of time left that is just me and Travis, but this baby is running out of room and growing fast.
I go back to the Doc this Thursday for more Fetal monitoring. I do not know if they will do another growth ultrasound before I go into labor. If they do, that will be one interesting ultrasound. Watch out Travis, there is about to be a new Sheriff in town! Hahaha
The monitor showed everthing looks good and that I am having contractions. She asked me if I were feeling them and I told her that I am having so many aches and pains that I do not know what is a contraction and what isn't. They also checked to see if I had dialated any and so far nothing yet. The baby is head down, so we are ready when the time comes. I asked her if we could go ahead and schedule an induction for next Monday and the answer is still no. I am trying to enjoy the little bit of time left that is just me and Travis, but this baby is running out of room and growing fast.
I go back to the Doc this Thursday for more Fetal monitoring. I do not know if they will do another growth ultrasound before I go into labor. If they do, that will be one interesting ultrasound. Watch out Travis, there is about to be a new Sheriff in town! Hahaha
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Loss for words
All I can say right now is Oh My Goodness. We had our Growth ultrasound yesterday and got a new weight for Ty. Can you guess how much he weighs? Not 6lbs, not 7lbs, not 8lbs, but 8lbs 13ozs!!! Yes, that is correct. He is only 3ozs away from being 9lbs!!!! Let me remind you, I am only 35 weeks and have about a month to go for full term.
When talking to the doctor, I some what begged him to induce a little early. I am having problems breathing and sleeping. He is still so high up and I have ALOT of Amniotic fluid around him and that it is probably what is causing it. To make me feel better, the ultrasound tech told mt that a doctor at the practice delivered a 13lb baby. Jen WILL NOT be delivering a 13lb baby. Nope.
I start my 2 a week appointments next week. I go in for fetal monitoring and a quick check up with the doc. This should be fun.
He will be here soon and I can't wait.
When talking to the doctor, I some what begged him to induce a little early. I am having problems breathing and sleeping. He is still so high up and I have ALOT of Amniotic fluid around him and that it is probably what is causing it. To make me feel better, the ultrasound tech told mt that a doctor at the practice delivered a 13lb baby. Jen WILL NOT be delivering a 13lb baby. Nope.
I start my 2 a week appointments next week. I go in for fetal monitoring and a quick check up with the doc. This should be fun.
He will be here soon and I can't wait.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Will Ty be here early?
Travis and I went to my doctors appointment on Monday and everything still looks good. I asked if they would take the baby early since he is getting so big, but she said they wouldn't before 39 weeks. I completely understand that they need to make sure the lungs are developed and all, but man between my back and my lungs, I don't know which one is going to give out on me first.
I go back in on Monday for another growth ultrasound to see how big my little man has gotten. I gained 2 lbs from my last visit which is good, but I am hoping it did not all go to baby. That would put him at 8lbs 5ozs with 4 weeks to go. YIKES!
His heartbeat was at 145 beats a minutes and that is good too! He is an active little boy who likes to kick and stretch! He lets me know everyday that he is running out of room in there and is going to be here soon. I just can't wait.
I go back in on Monday for another growth ultrasound to see how big my little man has gotten. I gained 2 lbs from my last visit which is good, but I am hoping it did not all go to baby. That would put him at 8lbs 5ozs with 4 weeks to go. YIKES!
His heartbeat was at 145 beats a minutes and that is good too! He is an active little boy who likes to kick and stretch! He lets me know everyday that he is running out of room in there and is going to be here soon. I just can't wait.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
My First Baby Shower
I know this is a little late, but I would like to say thank you to my sister Missy and Travis's Aunt Lori for a beautiful baby shower. Everything was just perfect. Thanks also to everyone who came and for the wonderful gifts. They are much appreciated. When I got home, I think it finally hit Travis that this was real. We now have a stroller and car seat sitting in our dinning room and a bath tub in our bath tub. It is fun to look at it everyday. 6 more official weeks and he should be here (but I think it will be sooner). I have another appointment on Monday and will hopefully find out more about what kind of plan we are going to have since he is a big boy. Too exciting!
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