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Monday, October 20, 2008

My First Fetal Monitoring

I went in this morning for my first fetal monitoring appointment today. I was very exctied to be able to hear the heartbeat for a long period of time. I was also looking forward to sitting and relaxing and maybe even taking a nap while they recorded what they needed. Little did I know that I had a job during all this. They informed me that I could not sleep and had to push a button everytime I felt him move. I was so tired from the night before from not getting a good night sleep, that I think I may have missed a few movements due to the soothing sounds of his heartbeat putting me to sleep.

The monitor showed everthing looks good and that I am having contractions. She asked me if I were feeling them and I told her that I am having so many aches and pains that I do not know what is a contraction and what isn't. They also checked to see if I had dialated any and so far nothing yet. The baby is head down, so we are ready when the time comes. I asked her if we could go ahead and schedule an induction for next Monday and the answer is still no. I am trying to enjoy the little bit of time left that is just me and Travis, but this baby is running out of room and growing fast.

I go back to the Doc this Thursday for more Fetal monitoring. I do not know if they will do another growth ultrasound before I go into labor. If they do, that will be one interesting ultrasound. Watch out Travis, there is about to be a new Sheriff in town! Hahaha

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