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Monday, December 29, 2008

Ty's First Cold

Well, the time has come. Ty is sick. He started getting a little stuffy Friday night and by Saturday afternoon, he was "snotty". There is some coughing and sneezing going on and alot of nose sucking. He does not have a fever and is still eating and sleeping just fine. We are using saline drops every 3 hours to keep the mucus thinned. His poor little eyes are red and watery and you can just look at him and tell he does not feel good. I feel so bad for him. The wheezing is breaking my heart. I hope things will go away fast since I am sucking the nose as often as possible. Keep him in your prayers that this will not turn into anything any bigger like an ear infection. I cant imagine having to give him 3 medicines at once. Yikes.

1 comment:

M said...

Hope you get well soon, Baby Ty! We're sorry you don't feel good. Love your new background for the blog!!