Can it be? My little boy is already 6 months old! I can hardly believe it. We went and had his shots on Wednesday. They were supose to be on Friday, but I had a feeling he had an ear infection and wanted to get him in there earlier. He has not slept well for about a week. And yes he did have an ear infection. Other than that, he is moving along just fine. He can pretty much sit up on his own now. He is starting stage 2 foods and loving them. The doctor has recommended that we do not give him juice right now because he wants to make sure he gets enough formula and keeps his sodium up. The reason was something to the effect of low sodium make trigger a seizure, and with his history we don't want to take that chance. I am giving him a little taste of tea or coke every once in a while and he likes it. Why wouldn't he, right? As for his stats, he is looking good. Still high in his percentiles.
Weight 19lbs 5oz 90%
Height 25 1/2 90%
Head 18 1/4 95% ( we know where he gets that from).
He took his shots like a champ. He didn't cry for the first one, but the second one burned and he cried for maybe 10 seconds. As soon as I picked him up he stopped and smiled at the nurse. It was too cute.
We took pictures Friday night. Here they are: (sorry about the Z, it is for copyright)

OMG! I can't believe he's sitting up and ready for stage 2 foods! We're just getting the hang of Stage 1!! He's super handsome in his litttle checked outfit. The pics turned out great! :) The Browns
Abby's 6 months now and has got Ty beat by 2 inches in length!! GO FIGURE :) LOL - C
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