I love the zoo and to be able to go and get candy while at the zoo is even better. My mom and dad, Ali and Ty and Travis and I went on Wednesday. Ty was suppose to be a Lion but for some reason mother nature thought it would be a good idea to have 80 degree temps at the end of October. So, we went as a skeleton. Ali went as the Twister board game. Ty was mesmerized by the lights. He wanted to touch them ALL! So we stopped alot for him to "touch easy". He loved it.
At the first Trick or Treat stand, he got a Mr. Goodbar and he was done after that. He wanted to hold it the rest of the night and wouldn't take any other candy. He eventually tried to eat it, wrapper and all, so I of course had to take it away.
He really likes spooky mask. My mom is one of those people who live to scare the tar out of others. She use to even creep around to the backyard with a scary Halloween mask on to scare the snot out of THE DOG. She would scare anyone or anything. She's pretty good at it. She even came running in the door one day after her and dad confronted the neighbors at the apartment complex next door and said that dad had been shot (yes I know this is not funny but my neighbor Brock was there and he was a good target to freak out and it was very easy to do) and both me and Brock started freaking out...running and screaming and I ran for the phone, Brock started crying and then mom had to tell him she was joking. It was so not funny, but looking back on it now, it was kinda funny. This is just what mom does. My poor dad gets the brunt of everything because she is always hiding behind doors and scaring him. He hollers every time. He may holler at me for telling everyone this. Well, now that I have really gone on, the point I was getting at was Ty likes spooky mask and when mom put on this super ugly mask at home, Ty laughs and kisses her. It is so weird. I would cry if I were a kid and saw it. Well they were handing out mask at the zoo and my mom had to have one to wear. She looked creepy in it but Ty just loved it. Kissed her all night with that thing on.
Once again he had nothing to do with sleeping on the way home. This time it was due to him playing with Ali in the back seat. He loves Ali. She takes such good care of him and wants to carry him everywhere she goes. I am sure next year will be even more fun. 
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