I love that we go to the beach every year for Thanksgiving. It is such a great time to spend with family. I was super excited about Ty going fishing. We always have a great time fishing on the inlet behind the house. We can go out back anytime we want and throw a line in. This year the weather was good and bad. Kinda windy some days.

Missy getting another pole ready. She is my go to girl when something goes wrong with my pole. (I don't touch fish or bait).

Weez was rather proud of her double catch. She had 2 blowfish on her line. I would have freaked and just cut the line. I hated catching those things and it seemed like that was all we were catching.

Ali was flying a kite here (remember it was windy). She isn't as patient to sit there but she does like to fish.

All of us out and about fishing. Ty did very well casting and reeling in. He had a lure named freddie and he "threw" him out a bunch of times.

Grandma helping Ty with a big boy rod. I think next year, we will have to take him out fishing on the boat and go clamming with us. I am already looking forward to next year and we will have a new addition with us then too!
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