
Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers


Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Today we took Ty to Richland Memorial Hospital to have another EEG done. We were not able to be there for his first one, but got to sit in on this one. I was so proud of him. He is such a good baby. I got to hold him for the whole thing. The nurse tech applied the leads to his head with this greassy, gummy stuff. Sorta like a real sticky vaseline. She would scoop a glob on each lead and push it onto his head. He did not care for this too much. In other words, he screamed. Once, we got all the leads on, which was difficult to do becuase holding his head became harder once more and more were attached, we wrapped his head with gauze so that the leads would not get pulled off. After getting him all prepped he calmed down while I sang him Amazing Grace. This song seems to be the one that puts him to sleep. The test lasted 20 minutes. The nurse talked about what a great job he did being still. This really helped to get a good reading. Here are a few pics of my angel:

We started off so well.

We got all the leads on his head with only a few screams.

We wrapped his head in gauze to keep the leads from being pulled off.

We had to put leads behind his ears and he did not like that at all.

Testing time and he slept for the whole test.

ALL DONE.....and getting the "gook" off his head and behind his ears. We should hopefully hear something back by Friday.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Today Ty was dedicated at Church. He did so well. He wore a white jumper and I worked very hard to keep it white alllllllll morning. I knew as soon as I put it on him he was going to spit up on it. He had to take his medicine, which is red, at 9:30 and we had to be at church by 10:00 so I rode in the back with him there so I could catch the spit up as it came out. Well, he didn't spit up once! That made me even more nervous that he would spit up on Dr. Carney as soon as I passed Ty to him. I warned him before the service that Ty might spit up and he said, jokingly, make sure you take care of that before you go up there! Hahahaha Ty did great on stage. He was awake and looking all around. He stared at Dr. Carney the whole time. He never cried once. He did make a joke as to how big he was, something like "he was born in November and looks like a 5 year old." Ty also wore gamecock booties and Dr, Carney said he was doubly blessed! How funny.

Learning how to blog videos.

Quick clip of little one sleeping and singing.

Friday, January 23, 2009

1 and 2 month old pictures

Ty's One Month old pictures

Ty's Two Month old pictures

Doctor's Visit

Just to give everyone an update, we have an EEG scheduled for Ty on Tuesday. As you know, we have been decreasing his seizure meds. Well, about a week after we started decreasing, Ty would cross his eyes every once in a while. Now, I know babies do this, but he had not done it any before his med change. I called the doctor last Sunday and they said I needed to go in on Monday for a check up. I know it was probably a coincidence that this all happened when it did, but the doctor, and me, thought it would be good to just make sure. So, I have registered him at the hospital and will be there bright and early. I am hoping they do not have to sedate him and I will be able to be in there when they do the testing. He has had one done before when he was in the NICU. The cap they have to wear is REALLY scary looking, but does not hurt them at all. I will let you know how things went once we get the test results back.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My first visit to my crib!

Ty's room is upstairs and mine and Trav's is downstairs. Needless to say, moving him upstairs to sleep so far away is going to be a challenge for me. He is still sleeping in his bassinet and sometimes he ends up in the bed with us. On the days that I am home, I have been laying him down in his crib for naps so he gets aquainted with it. I am still to nervous to let him sleep upstairs all night because of his possible seizures. We went to the doctor on Monday, because he started crossing his eyes. I know this is normal in infants, but I believe by his age, he should be nearly past it. What made me concerned is that he started this after we decreased his seizure med. The doctor is setting us up an appointment to have another EEG done. I am not sure of the date of it, but when I find out, I will let yall know. Here are some other fun pics we have taken:

I thought this was too cute. He was laying on his arm and he looked so comfortable.

How cool am I!

Snow Snow Snow

Isnt it fun when it snows here! Everybody goes stupid. Ty didnt really care for it so much. We got him all bundled up and let him play in it. He did not like it when it would fall on his face. I am sure it was just too cold.
Ty is wearing his snow suit from his Aunt Lori. It was so funny. He couldn't move a lick in it.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Stone Mill

Travis's cousin owns a stone mill where they make yellow grits, blue grits, white grits, corn meal and other things. We took a trip out there this past weekend to get some groceries. Ty got to get on the tractor with his daddy. He liked it for about a minute and then he was like, get me out of the bright sunlight and changed my stinky diaper. Thanks Gantt family for the tour of the mill. We had a blast.

Afterwards we went to Sheally's BBQ. MMMM Good! I had 2 helpings of banana pudding. The green beans were delicious. It had to be all the grease they put in them. I think we should make it a ritual to go there atleast once a month!

2 Month Shots

I have an angel child. I was so nervous about Ty getting his shots. I just knew it was going to be along day and he was going to be real cranky. Well, it was not like that at all. Travis and I took him in and the doctor asked us all kinds of questions making sure nothing else has come up about his seizures. We told him everything was looking good so far and no episodes since the hospital. He told us we could start weening him off his seizure meds and that make me SSSOOOOOO happy. I hate having to wake him up at 9:30am and 9:30pm to give it to him. We are going to slowly decrease his dose over the next couple of weeks. If nothing comes up over those weeks, we can stop the med all together. After he did his physical exam, the mean ol' nurse came in with shots in hand. Ty was in an OK mood. She gave him his oral vaccine and then I layed him down and she gave him 2 shots in one leg and he did not cry, just a little poking out of the lip, and then gave him his third one in the other leg and it burned and he screamed for about 10 seconds and then I picked him up and he stopped crying. I kissed him and kissed him and kissed him. It broke my heart to know he was hurting. After holding him for a while, I got him dressed and checked out and he still was doing ok, no crying or fussing. I was amazed. The nurse said he may be fussy for a few hours, but not Ty. He was fine. Thank you God for such an amazing child. He slept a good bit of the day and never ran a high fever. Here are his "stats" from day 1 of being born:

November 7, 2008
10lbs 1oz.....22 1/4 inches long.....15inches head cir.
November 25
11lbs even....23 inches long....15 1/4 head cir.
January 14, 2009
15lbs even (greater than 95th percentile)
24 1/4 inches (92 precentile)
16 1/4 inches head cir. (75 percentile)

I am ready to introduce him to Steve Spurrier and see if he has an opening on the O-Line. I am sure he could use Ty.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Ear Infection

Well, we went to the doctor today and Ty has an ear infection in his right ear. Poor thing has been a champ while he has been sick. He hasn't been to fussy, except at night when he is fighting sleep, and is still eating and sleeping well. He even went to bed last night at 11:45pm and didn't get up until 7:05am this morning. Mommy loves him! He is now on Phenobarbetol, Zantac, and Amoxicillin (spelling on these are questionable). We have a medicine cocktail twice a day. I can't wait for him to be on NOTHING! I will not know what to do. We go back to the doctor next for his 2 month shots and to have a checkup on his ear. Today he weighed 14lbs and 10zs! This is with his clothes on, but still! Here is a funny pic we took. Hope everyone is having a great new year.