Today we took Ty to Richland Memorial Hospital to have another EEG done. We were not able to be there for his first one, but got to sit in on this one. I was so proud of him. He is such a good baby. I got to hold him for the whole thing. The nurse tech applied the leads to his head with this greassy, gummy stuff. Sorta like a real sticky vaseline. She would scoop a glob on each lead and push it onto his head. He did not care for this too much. In other words, he screamed. Once, we got all the leads on, which was difficult to do becuase holding his head became harder once more and more were attached, we wrapped his head with gauze so that the leads would not get pulled off. After getting him all prepped he calmed down while I sang him Amazing Grace. This song seems to be the one that puts him to sleep. The test lasted 20 minutes. The nurse talked about what a great job he did being still. This really helped to get a good reading. Here are a few pics of my angel:

We started off so well.

We got all the leads on his head with only a few screams.

We wrapped his head in gauze to keep the leads from being pulled off.

We had to put leads behind his ears and he did not like that at all.

Testing time and he slept for the whole test.
ALL DONE.....and getting the "gook" off his head and behind his ears. We should hopefully hear something back by Friday.
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