I have an angel child. I was so nervous about Ty getting his shots. I just knew it was going to be along day and he was going to be real cranky. Well, it was not like that at all. Travis and I took him in and the doctor asked us all kinds of questions making sure nothing else has come up about his seizures. We told him everything was looking good so far and no episodes since the hospital. He told us we could start weening him off his seizure meds and that make me SSSOOOOOO happy. I hate having to wake him up at 9:30am and 9:30pm to give it to him. We are going to slowly decrease his dose over the next couple of weeks. If nothing comes up over those weeks, we can stop the med all together. After he did his physical exam, the mean ol' nurse came in with shots in hand. Ty was in an OK mood. She gave him his oral vaccine and then I layed him down and she gave him 2 shots in one leg and he did not cry, just a little poking out of the lip, and then gave him his third one in the other leg and it burned and he screamed for about 10 seconds and then I picked him up and he stopped crying. I kissed him and kissed him and kissed him. It broke my heart to know he was hurting. After holding him for a while, I got him dressed and checked out and he still was doing ok, no crying or fussing. I was amazed. The nurse said he may be fussy for a few hours, but not Ty. He was fine. Thank you God for such an amazing child. He slept a good bit of the day and never ran a high fever. Here are his "stats" from day 1 of being born:
November 7, 2008
10lbs 1oz.....22 1/4 inches long.....15inches head cir.
November 25
11lbs even....23 inches long....15 1/4 head cir.
11lbs even....23 inches long....15 1/4 head cir.
January 14, 2009
15lbs even (greater than 95th percentile)
24 1/4 inches (92 precentile)
16 1/4 inches head cir. (75 percentile)
I am ready to introduce him to Steve Spurrier and see if he has an opening on the O-Line. I am sure he could use Ty.

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