So I have decided to make one big post for Christmas. So much has been going on that it has made keeping up almost impossible. So lets start with Santa on the fire truck. We were watching football one night and heard Santa on the fire truck coming down the road. I threw on Ty's coat and grabbed the camera. Trav ranand got a blanket because it was FREEZING outside. Santa made a quick stop in front of our house so we could get a picture. I was amazed that the loud music and sirens did not phase Ty one bit. He waved and blew kisses to Santa the whole time he could see him. It was precious.

Another big milestone for December, and one that I wish had not happened ever, is Ty grabbing my flat iron. I had already turned it off and pushed it back, but he still managed to grab it and got 2nd degree burns on 3 of his fingers and 1st degree burns on all 4. I rushed to the doctors office and did pretty well holding it together. Once I saw Ms. Teresa (0ne of the best nurses EVER!!) I just lost it. Ty was screaming, I was crying and everybody was staring at us. She took me straight back and Ty's doctor came right in. He is very good at calming my nerves as he goes on to say he is calling DSS to report me. I was there for maybe 5 minutes before my sister and Travis showed up. There are no words to describe how horrible I felt. Still to this day, I get sick when I think about it. Here is what it looked like the next day:

The blisters ended up being bigger that his fingers.

They look so painful. After he took a nap and had his hand wrapped he was fine. He never cried when I had to change his dressings and he crawled on his hand just fine. He did have a problem when playing because he is used to using his right had to pick things up with. He adapted and started using his left hand. I was impressed!

This one is just cute.
Back to the fun stuff. This year, we had my moms family Chistmas at my Uncle Randys house. Oh boy was it fun. SANTA CAME IN ON A BLACK HAWK HELICOPTER!!!!! You read that right. No reindeer for Santa out in Ridgeway. This thing was HUGE. We got to get in it and take all kind of pictures. Ty also did good with Santa. We got to take a family picture with him. It was funny because Santa's glasses were all fogged up. It was some kinda warm in there. Santa gave Ty a " I love my Puppy" book which Ty loves to read. We also got to see Ty's new cousin for the 2nd time. Brynlee is just adorable and I think she liked me the most.

Ty flying the Blackhawk.

Ty was just not to sure about Santa.

Ty making his "happy face" with his cousin Ashlyn.

This is Ty's 2 cousins Brynlee (4 months old) and one of the twins, Kelsey or Bailey, but I think it is Bailey. Isnt it horrible that I STILL cant tell them apart.

Ty and his Cousin Brynlee. She is one cute little girl.

Brynlee and her Momma Brandy.

Ty and his Uncle Bo. This was right before Uncle Bo came in and told me that Ty had pulled all the feathers off one of the chickens. I went to investigate and this is what I saw:
Obviously Ty did not pull out all these feathers. This chicken is born like this. Yes, I know. This is one ugly chicken.
For Christmas this year, I saw the cutest longjohns with the back flap and all. I had Ty embroidered on the flap. I thought they came out pretty cute. Here is Ty on Christmas Eve. As you can see, I had to move up most of the ornaments because Ty wanted to play with them and pull them off.

Ty and his HAPPY FACE. This totally cracks me up. He does Happy face and Mean face. It is such a hoot.

Can you tell here that it is 5:15 in the morning and I am uber tired with no make up!? Ty looks like he is thinking "I am to tired to fight to not take this picture. Please take me back to bed!" Travis is just there. We were all zombies except for Ali. We do this every year. We all spend the night with Missy and Tony. Mom and Dad sleep upstairs with Ali, Ashlyn and Brandon and we sleep downstairs. We get up between 4-4:3o every year. I begged Ali to let us sleep until 4:30. By 6:00 we were eating breakfast. I was ready for bed as was everyone else. Ty had a blast looking and playing with what Santa brought him.

He was EVERYWHERE, but most of the time he was with Grandaddy (his favorite person). Here he is telling someone "no no" because they were trying to take him away from him.

I love our Christmas traditions. Even though I am completely exhausted the rest of the day, I love every minute of it. We have done the same thing for 30 years. God has truely blessed me with a wonderful family.
The day after Christmas, we headed over to the Jackson-Mooneyham Christmas. There are so many children there and Ty loves it. It was at Keiths house this year and he has some small dogs. I was terribly afraid for them because Ty can be brutal. I caught him one time poking their eyes and then another time pulling their tails. In the end the dogs survived. Ty got so much stuff. Clothes, toys, money....I think he needs his own house to store all him stuff. It is crazy.

This Chistmas was real special. Travis got to see his sister for the first time in 6 years. It was good to get a picture of them together. Julie, this is a great pic!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and remembered why we celebrate it. Happy Birthday Jesus. May you all have a prosperous and Happy New Year!!!!
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