Oh and a friend posted a quote that I love. I believe it was a quote from Kate Moss. It is going to be my motto for 2010: " Nothing taste as good as skinny feels".
Monday, January 4, 2010
Uuuhhhh.... Happy New Year?!
What a New Year celebration we had at the Jackson household. I could post 1 picture and you would know exactly what kind of night it was for us, but how much fun would that be. I know you want to know all about the misery. Well, Wednesday Ty started wheezing pretty bad. I called the doctor and brought him in on Thursday. He was not doing good at all. He was just miserable. Coughing, wheezing, runny nose, congestion, but not a fever yet. When we got there, one of my favorite nurses there, Ms. Jill, was like "back again Ty". Is it bad when they know you by name at the doctors office. As soon as she heard him wheezing she checked his pulse-ox. It wasn't horrible but it wasn't 100%. Ty's normal Dr. was out so we saw another one and loved her just as much. She was concerned about how bad he was breathing so we started breathing treatments right then. Ty DID NOT LIKE IT ONE BIT. He would not take the mask or the paci attachment, so I tried the mouth piece and he did OK with that, but not to sure about it. So after being there for almost 2 hours, I was ready to be home. We had plans with our neighbors across the street and I HATED to cancel. I was so looking forward to it. They understood and still brought us some food over. Just to give you a picture of what we were working with with Ty:
He was pitiful. His eyes were watery and he could barely open them. The Dr. put him on breathing treatment until at least that Saturday and also put him on STEROIDS. Never again will I be willing to do that. It has been horrible. They hyped him up so much. Friday, Jan 1, 2010, he took no nap. A kid who is as sick as Ty and who has had no nap is NOT A HAPPY BOY. Well, to make matters worse, he did not sleep at all that night either. He would take 10-20 minute cat naps. All together he probably slept for MAYBE 2 hours. I slept maybe 30 minutes. I could not put him down and then he wanted to be walked around. He was just miserable. I felt so bad for him. We had a follow up appt down town Saturday and thank goodness we did. Ty started running a fever that morning. It started at 103.0 and then after Tylenol and an hour later it was still climbing to 103.2. By the time we got to the Dr.s office it was 103.3. This can sure make you nervous when it keeps rising after medicine. Well, Ty was doing his worst this morning. The wheezing was horrible and his cough was thick and loud. They sent us to the hospital for a chest xray. If you've never seen what they put toddlers in for xrays, it is kinda funny and scary. It is a chair that velcro's them in, but it kinda looks like an electric chair as well. Kinda creepy. BUT he did great in it. I got to stand next to him and keep him relaxed and he didn't move a muscle. I am thinking it had a lot to do with how tired he was. Well the results were no pneumonia in the chest which was a blessing from God. I was so afraid it was going to be. The doctor diagnosed him with either Atypical or Viral Pneumonia and Restrictive Airway disease. He is now on Biaxin for that and has to continue the breathing treatments. ( quick note: He loves the Penguin and tolerates the inhaler only if he has the Wiggles to watch. I am so tired of singing: Lights, Camera, Action and The Big Red Car. )
Now a quick recap...Thursday an hour nap, Thursday night on and off again sleep. Friday NO NAP, Friday night maybe 2 hours of sleep. Saturday, didn't nap but 3o minutes that afternoon. Can we say I was exhausted!!!! My mom and dad stayed with us Saturday night so we could get some sleep. I still had to get up and give him his breathing treatment at 1:30am. He didn't wake up which made it easier. Mom got up with him that morning and was comfortable enough to give him his next one. He woke at about 5:45 which was perfect timing. I got to sleep until 7:15 which was awesome. Ty slept OK. Mom had him upstairs in the bed with her. She didn't sleep all night because she is a worry wart. My child likes to talk in his sleep and she would lay there and listen to him wondering what he was saying. He seemed to be doing a little better Sunday. He actually played a little and smiled. Sunday night was OK. He woke up at 4:15 am and was not wanting to go back to bed so we got up, did a breathing treatment, ate some grits, Dad left for work and by 6:30 we were going back to bed. That only lasted for an hour. As of today, we still are pretty sick. No fever, but congested, hoarse from coughing, and still wheezing. We go back to the Dr. on Friday. If nothing has changed we will change our course of action. Please pray that he starts to get better soon. I absolutely hate seeing him like this. It just breaks my heart. I will keep you posted on how he does the rest of the week. Just becasue I think this is so funny, my husband says this to me the other day. Ty got all your ailments and got all my good looks. That is so funny I know. So again, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
Here is my handsome boy on a better day. I always like to leave on a good note.
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