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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Fun Times at the Park

My child is and outside little boy. He will pitch a fit if we come inside. He has really gotten into being independent. He does not like to hold hands when he walks. When you put him down, he is off. He is walking everywhere!!!! He has no boundaries and is FEARLESS!

He says HEY to everyone. In WalMart, at church, the ball field, the grocery store. No one gets by without a "hello".

Ty had a blast at the park. He climbed this thing a billion times and wanted NO help. He is a big boy now and can do it on his own.

The slide was a little big for him. He kept getting his feet caught and it would throw him forward. He hasnt learned to pick them up when he slides.

Daddy and Ty sliding and sliding and sliding.

We will definatly be at the park a bunch this summer.

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