Ty was in Heaven on Earth. My Uncle Randy has acres upon acres of land in the country. My child walked all day long. He had free range to go anywhere. He went to see the chickens, walked to front yard, then the back and then the front and then through the house, and then around the porch and then back to the chickens and then who knows where after that.

One of Ty's favorite things he did was going on a ride on the 4 wheeler. He thought that was just cool. I was a little nervous but Daddy was holding on tight. I got on the back and rode along for a while too. I dont think I could have held on to Ty any tighter.

All girls love boys in camo riding in a Barbie Jeep.
Daddy showing Ty how to blow a pinwheel.

Ty trying to blow the pinwheel. He almost got it.

Ok-so the chickens and roosters were a hit. Ty was mesmorized by them. I had to watch him carefully because he kept trying to put his finger in the fence. He is in the "touch" phase. He tried to mock the sound they made. I cant even type how it sounded when he tried. It was so funny. These chickens look hungry and like they are ready to peck his little finger.

Here is Ty's cousin taking him for a spin around the yard. He had a blast being toted around in the Barbie Jeep.
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