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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"Camping" with the Carnaggio's

My sister loves to camp. Me, I'm not the first to jump on it, although I will go. They went to Dreher Island for a couple of days, so Ty and I decided to stop by and camp for a few hours. It was too much fun. Ty had a blast. He got in a real tent for the first time, went fishing and boat riding for the first time too! He loved it all.

Here is Ty getting his pole ready for fishing.

I hate crickets. I have fished all my life but I have never baited with crickets. I could never hold them. I always had my grandma do it for me if that was the only bait we had. My son on the other hand is fearless. That goes for a lot of things too. Aunt Missy showed him the crickets and he reached right in for them. Not once but time after time he stuck his hand in there and CAUGHT THEM!!!! I almost died but tried not to show him how terrified I was.

Here we are taking a break. Ty is always saying "look at me"!!!!

Ali and Erin on the boat. They are such good friends.

Ty liked the boat but did NOT like the wind in his face. He thought it was funny when the water would spray up and hit him in the face.

Ali is Ty's absolute favorite person. She can get him to do anything!
Ty also go to help Uncle Tony drive the boat. He liked to honk the horn, ALOT.

Now we are back fishing and Aunt Missy/Ty caught a fish. Once again, Ty is fearless. He grabbed the fish. No second thoughts about it. I freaked out because my dad is really allergic to fish and I am not sure if Ty is as well. He cracked up laughing at it every time it jumped around.

Aunt Missy's favorite moment.

After a little fishing, we kinda went swimming. the girls went all the way in, but it was just way to cold for T y get all the way in. He took his shoes off and just went knee deep.

My child is such an outside child. I love that. I can tell we will be going on many camping trips and cant wait to get our house at the beach for Thanksgiving and do lots of fishing. Ty will love it!!!!

Super Hero!

I found Ty in the linen closet one day taking towels out and wrapping them around his shoulders. I have no idea where he got this from but I helped him tie it on and this is what I got! A SUPER HERO!!!!

Check out that gut.

He thought it was the best. We do this all the time now. My little super hero.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter at Aunt Missy's and Uncle Tony's

I love Easter. I love the miracle of Jesus Christ and the freedom to celebrate his resurection. What a wonderful thing to rejoice!
Easter Sunday is always so busy. Ty woke up with a ridiculous Easter basket. Daddy helped the Easter bunny by telling him what he wanted in Ty's Easter basket. So daddy had a alot of candy to eat. Ty also got a dump truck that talks and drives. He really liked it, but not as much as him morning cup of milk.
I woke up with my lower back hurting something fierce so I was not as happy as I usually am. We got dressed and heading to church. We keep nursery so we went to the early service and then scooted over to keep the kids. By this time, my back was really hurting. Not good. All the kids want to be held. We finally made it to my sisters where I could get some advil in me. It took about 30 minutes for some relief but by this time Ty was already out of his church clothes and off playing. No family Easter pics for us. This is the only pic I got of Ty with his easter outfit on. I love Seersucker!
How precious is this little one. Her name is Brynlee. She is Ty's cousin. Her smile is one of the cutest I have ever seen. She had a blast checking out all of Ty's toys.
Now its time for the egg hunt. Once again I forgot Ty's Easter basket. I am so slack, but I blame it on my back hurting. So, we borrowed a basket from Aunt Missy and went a huntin'. he found a few with goodies in them but none with money. I know 6 eggs had $1 in them and one had $5. I looked everywhere for that $5 egg and couldn't find it.
Ty took his basket to granddaddy to show him what he had found.
Now he is back out to find some more or atleast run around a little.
The McClures and the Tolers came over for the egg hunt to. I know Jamey found some money in his eggs but I think he was more excited about the candy.
Kate and Lizzy searching for eggs. Lizzy wanted the Football basket to pick eggs up with. That little girl is so stinkin sweet.
Ty is still out finding more eggs. And none other is he with....Granddaddy. Oh and way past naptime. That is why we have a paci.
Ty and Grnadma, aka Ya Ya, strolling through the back playing and wanting on the trampoline!

Here is everyone looking for the $5 egg. Kelsey, the girl with the orange bag, found it.
How funny was this. Ty was looking at me like "this kid better not touch my sippee cup" and Brynlee was like "mommy, I want some of that".

Friday, April 2, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt at Church

We went to our church Easter egg hunt this year and Ty had some kind of fun. There was so much there to do. Here he is in the bounce house. He thinks those things are so much fun. I think it is an accident waiting to happen.

We have been trying to teach Ty the whole concept of finding eggs and putting them in his basket. Well, who walked out the door and forgot his basket? Yep, me. I was so upset. Our neighbor had him a cute bunny basket made with his name on it. So, we comenced to picking up eggs and letting mommy and Ali carry them. He "found" 5. There were treats in them so that interested him alot.

For the children 3 and under, they just toss out a bunch of eggs on the ground and they just wonder around picking them up. Do you know how hard it is to keep a 1 year old away from a BUNCH of eggs. VERY HARD. He kept wondering over and picking them up. We let him hold one just to keep the screaming down to a minimum. That is why you see no other childern or adults in this picture.

Here is Ali (his favorite person other than grandaddy), helping him find the eggs.

Oh no! There is no treat inside. He kept wanting to open up all the eggs and throw whatever was in it on the ground. Uugggghhhh!

Now the hunt is over and he has to see whatever else he can get into!

So, we had snow cones, one of my favorites, popcorn, and cotton candy. Oh yeah, we did eat a hot dog and chips before all the good stuff. Ali is so good with Ty. If I need him to do something, Ali can usually get him to do it. She even shared HER snow cone!

They also had live Chickens (it may have been a rooster, either way it scared me) and bunny rabbits. You were allowed to pet them easy. As always, my son that is not scared of ANYTHING!!!!!!, and wanted to "touch". He wants to touch everything around him. He gets that from him daddy. No matter what store we are in Travis has to touch everything. It drives me crazy. Now Ty can say touch, so everything is touch....touch....touch!!!! Anyway, Ty is not the gentlest child. My neighbor has a dog and cat and when Ty comes over they run. I am trying to teach him to pet easy, but somehow he still has to grap and pull. My sisters cat is also terrified of him. When Ty comes over the first thing he says is mu mu. The cats name is Mufasa and we call him Mu Mu for short. When the cat hears Ty he hides. It is so funny. So needless to say I was a nervous wreck letting him pet this chicken/rooster. He did ok other than poking it in the eye. Geez.

We had such a good time with lots and friends and family. Oh yeah, Aunt Missy and Uncle Tony were in the dunking booth and Ty got to dunk one of them. I think it was Aunt Missy helpinghim dunk Uncle Tony. I think Ty's favorite part was being able to run around play with out me having to tell him no and you cant go over there. He so loves being outside.