My sister loves to camp. Me, I'm not the first to jump on it, although I will go. They went to Dreher Island for a couple of days, so Ty and I decided to stop by and camp for a few hours. It was too much fun. Ty had a blast. He got in a real tent for the first time, went fishing and boat riding for the first time too! He loved it all.
Here is Ty getting his pole ready for fishing.

I hate crickets. I have fished all my life but I have never baited with crickets. I could never hold them. I always had my grandma do it for me if that was the only bait we had. My son on the other hand is fearless. That goes for a lot of things too. Aunt Missy showed him the crickets and he reached right in for them. Not once but time after time he stuck his hand in there and CAUGHT THEM!!!! I almost died but tried not to show him how terrified I was.

Here we are taking a break. Ty is always saying "look at me"!!!!

Ali and Erin on the boat. They are such good friends.

Ty liked the boat but did NOT like the wind in his face. He thought it was funny when the water would spray up and hit him in the face.

Ali is Ty's absolute favorite person. She can get him to do anything!
Ty also go to help Uncle Tony drive the boat. He liked to honk the horn, ALOT.
Now we are back fishing and Aunt Missy/Ty caught a fish. Once again, Ty is fearless. He grabbed the fish. No second thoughts about it. I freaked out because my dad is really allergic to fish and I am not sure if Ty is as well. He cracked up laughing at it every time it jumped around.
Aunt Missy's favorite moment.

After a little fishing, we kinda went swimming. the girls went all the way in, but it was just way to cold for T y get all the way in. He took his shoes off and just went knee deep.

My child is such an outside child. I love that. I can tell we will be going on many camping trips and cant wait to get our house at the beach for Thanksgiving and do lots of fishing. Ty will love it!!!!
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