I love Easter. I love the miracle of Jesus Christ and the freedom to celebrate his resurection. What a wonderful thing to rejoice!
Easter Sunday is always so busy. Ty woke up with a ridiculous Easter basket. Daddy helped the Easter bunny by telling him what he wanted in Ty's Easter basket. So daddy had a alot of candy to eat. Ty also got a dump truck that talks and drives. He really liked it, but not as much as him morning cup of milk. 
I woke up with my lower back hurting something fierce so I was not as happy as I usually am. We got dressed and heading to church. We keep nursery so we went to the early service and then scooted over to keep the kids. By this time, my back was really hurting. Not good. All the kids want to be held. We finally made it to my sisters where I could get some advil in me. It took about 30 minutes for some relief but by this time Ty was already out of his church clothes and off playing. No family Easter pics for us. This is the only pic I got of Ty with his easter outfit on. I love Seersucker!
How precious is this little one. Her name is Brynlee. She is Ty's cousin. Her smile is one of the cutest I have ever seen. She had a blast checking out all of Ty's toys.
Now its time for the egg hunt. Once again I forgot Ty's Easter basket. I am so slack, but I blame it on my back hurting. So, we borrowed a basket from Aunt Missy and went a huntin'. he found a few with goodies in them but none with money. I know 6 eggs had $1 in them and one had $5. I looked everywhere for that $5 egg and couldn't find it.
Ty took his basket to granddaddy to show him what he had found.
Now he is back out to find some more or atleast run around a little.
The McClures and the Tolers came over for the egg hunt to. I know Jamey found some money in his eggs but I think he was more excited about the candy.
Kate and Lizzy searching for eggs. Lizzy wanted the Football basket to pick eggs up with. That little girl is so stinkin sweet.
Ty is still out finding more eggs. And none other is he with....Granddaddy. Oh and way past naptime. That is why we have a paci.
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