
Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers


Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Snow Day 2010

Oh how I LOVE SNOW!! For our honeymoon, we went to Lake Tahoe to go skiing. I LOVE SNOW. I LOVE snowball fights. I was involved in 2 really good ones. One in my sisters neighborhood the night of the snow fall, and one in my neighborhood with the kids across the street. I dont mind getting nailed int eh head with a snowball as long as no one else minds me nailing them in the head with one. At my sisters house, I think the last count was 24 kids and 10 adults. It was crazy. Tony actually drug me down the hill and I do believe there was more snow down my backside than there was on the ground. Some of them kids had a good arm. One sad thing was that Travis's back was hurt so he could not come out and play. I was so bummed. We had to leave early before the roads got to bad (we only live .8 miles away from my sister). I dont like driving on bad roads and since it was already dark, that wasnt going to make it any more fun. It took me 8 tries to get up my driveway. I keep spinning out and sliding. Kinda scary.

Here is Ty playing in the snow for the FIRST time in his life: And here is Ty playing in the snow for the SECOND time in his life:

I think he liked it the second time better. Cold does not seem to bother him. As long as he is outside, he is happy.

I must say though, he didn't like the snow hitting him in the face.

This is the next morning. We went across the street to play with all the neighborhood children. I had a MAJOR snowball fight with these 3 boys. I mean NOTHING was off limits. I got smashed in the face maybe 3 times. It was a riot. We had a blast. Here is Aiden riding with Ty on the sled while Miss Kate pulls them. Ty seemed to like this alot. I love the fact that when I told Aiden to hold on to Ty tight, he put him in a choke hold.

This is Lizzy with Ty. She loves "babies". She always says "where's baby Ty?" , "want to go to baby Ty's house". Ty, on the other hand likes to be left alone. Lizzy is just trying to be helpful and put Ty's other hat on and Ty is trying to tell her, "look lady, I already have on a hat! Enough already!"

Do you think he woudl get rid of that paci for pictures? NO WAY!

We were not able to make a snowman because it would not stick together the next morning, so we marched across the street to the McClures and took a photo with their snoman. Ty is sitting in their driveway here.

Can you spot their snowman in this picture? It is already leaning and dying. It was a minature snowman.
Ty looked at me like I was crazy for taking so many pictures. I dont think he understood that snow is not a normal around here and this much at one time only happens every 20 years!

Ty cruising in front of the house. I love how all of our bushes look like they have icing on them.

His little cheeks are not even red. He had so much fun in the snow and so did I!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Jamey's Circus Party

This is just to prove that my neighbor Kate is just freaking awesome. First of all, before Ty was born, we would eat dinner with them 3 times a week. She is a great cook. She is also one of the most creative people I know. About a year ago, they bought new patio furniture. Well, they took the big box and made a castle with a fully operating draw bridge out of it. This was for Jamey's birthday last year. It was a Knight's party. Well, this year, they cut the same box up and made this:
A Lion cage with rolling wheels,

A ticket booth so Jamey, the Ringmaster, could take up tickets as his friends came in.

This was the BIG TOP. She made the living room look like a circus tent. SHe had refreshment signs an dress up staions and cotton candy as the goody bag. She even made a balancing beam for the kids to walk on.
Here are the cupcakes she made. Yes, she is Betty Crocker too! She did a great job on these. They are all kinds of animals and everything is edible.
Great job Kate!

Ali Dancing at Dutch Fork

Here is my neice Ali. She is 9 years old and LOVES to dance and is really good.

I remember when I could do some of these moves. Now, I would end up at the doctors office if I thought about trying to do any of these!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Gavin's Birthday Party

So to explain how Gavin is related. Gavin is my sister's husbands brothers little boy. He is a hoot. He had is birthday party at one of those inflatable jump house places. This was Ty's first time going to one of these places and boy did he have fun (Trav and I did too, Shhh). We started him off on the kiddie slide and he loved it. Here is Trav letting him go down all by himself. Aunt Missy is catching him.

We decided to move to the bigger slide so we could have some fun too! Here is Trav taking Ty down the first time. Those things are FAST!

Can you tell how steep this slide was!

Mommy's Turn! I was scared to death. Now it is his turn to go all by himself. He flew down this thing. I mean just plain FAST!.

Me and Missy having just as much fun as the kids.

It was so cold in this place that we kept his jacket on pretty much the whole time. Here is Ty trying to crawl around on this thing. He did pretty well.

We played together in one of the bounce houses. He cracked up laughing in it. Good times!

The Many Faces of Ty

Day by Day

Yes I know. It has beed forever since my last post. Everyday life just gets in the way of me getting to this. We have been very....um....busy lately. ( I can also use the excuse of being just lazy, but busy sounds better).

So Ty is walking and walking and walking everywhere! He started this the begining of January and has taken off. He does not like to hold my hand any more either. He can do it ALL BY HIMSELF. I try to hold his hand and he says "No No". This is his favorite word. If he knows he is not supose to do something, he does it anyway and then looks at me and says "no no". It is so stinkin cute but I have hold in the laughter becuase he really shouldn't be doing what he's doin.

Bedtime had gotten much better. (please don't let this be jinxing myself). When it is bedtime, I say let's go night night. He goes straight to the stairs and climbs up. Goes to his crib and wants in. We say our prayers and then he gives me and Trav a kiss and lays down. No more rocking him to sleep (which I kinda miss). He cries sometimes when we leave, but he usually stops before we even get down the stairs. It used to take 45 minutes to get him down. Now its a cool 5 minutes. Another sign he is growing up so fast.

Bath time is a battle. He hates it! I can not emphasize hate enough. He won't even sit down. Every once in a while I can get him to sit down, but it doesn't last long. I've tried putting him in the shower with me, but that makes him just as mad.

He is also talking up a storm. He is always saying SOMETHING. I have no idea what he is saying half the time, but he looks at me like "do you understand me mommy?" Here are his main words:
moo-moo (he likes cows)
quack- kack kack (he LOVES ducks)
He signs: more, all done and thank you. We are going to start learning more soon. I have started getting slack with it.

His new thing is this: when he has a stinky or pee pees in his diaper he makes a yucky sound (like a hard K sound). It is so funny. I guess it is nice for me because he lets me know when he is wet.

I have such a sweet boy. He always wants to hug me and give me kisses. It just melts my heart.