
Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers


Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Edventure with Ali

On May 12, Ali, Ty and I set out for Edventure. It was Dollar night and I needed to get there early so we could get some good playtime in before Ali and Ty had to be in bed. I was so worried it was going to be PACKED with admission only being a $1, but it wasnt to bad. Ty had a blast watching all the LOUD children run araound everywhere. Ali had fun pushing Ty around in his stroller and showing him all the fun things to do. Ali is such a good neice. She wanted to show Ty everything.
Ty did like the Fire Truck. You just cant tell by this pic.

Ty and Ali giving todays weather report. You can watch them on a TV screen outside the studio.

If you cant tell from this pic, Ali is such a Diva!

Ty and Eddie!

Ty liked Curious George.

He kept wanting to give him sugar!

Ali and Ty with Curious George.

Ty is about as big as Ali.

Ali and her camel. This thing was big.

Getting ready to play.

This was Ty about half way through playing. He slept while Ali played on Eddie.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Playtime wih Dad

It is so funny how Ty already acts just like Travis. He loves to play with his Daddy. Travis will throw him up in the air and Ty just smiles and laughs like he is saying "do it again Daddy". When Trav gets home from work, Ty is usually in his Exersaucer while I am cooking. Once he sees Trav, he gets all excited and jumps frantically making such a comotion in his exersaucer. It is precious.

May 7, 2009

Saturday, May 9, 2009

6 Months Old

Can it be? My little boy is already 6 months old! I can hardly believe it. We went and had his shots on Wednesday. They were supose to be on Friday, but I had a feeling he had an ear infection and wanted to get him in there earlier. He has not slept well for about a week. And yes he did have an ear infection. Other than that, he is moving along just fine. He can pretty much sit up on his own now. He is starting stage 2 foods and loving them. The doctor has recommended that we do not give him juice right now because he wants to make sure he gets enough formula and keeps his sodium up. The reason was something to the effect of low sodium make trigger a seizure, and with his history we don't want to take that chance. I am giving him a little taste of tea or coke every once in a while and he likes it. Why wouldn't he, right? As for his stats, he is looking good. Still high in his percentiles.
Weight 19lbs 5oz 90%
Height 25 1/2 90%
Head 18 1/4 95% ( we know where he gets that from).

He took his shots like a champ. He didn't cry for the first one, but the second one burned and he cried for maybe 10 seconds. As soon as I picked him up he stopped and smiled at the nurse. It was too cute.

We took pictures Friday night. Here they are: (sorry about the Z, it is for copyright)

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Well, my little baby is starting to sit up all on his own. He can usually sit up for about 30 seconds and then he likes to fall over. Here is how it looks:

He is also holding his bottle on his own. He still does not like to burp so now it is hard to get the bottle out of his hands to burp him. He is rolling over some. He does not do it often, but I do find him on his stomach alot during the night. He does better going from his back to his stomach . He also found his feet a couple of weeks ago. I am amazed at how much of his foot he can actually get in his mouth. I have yet to get a pic with the whole thing in his mouth, but when I do, you can be sure I am going to post it. One other thing he LOVES to do is hear his own voice. He will scream, scream scream. Not talk, but SCREAM and SCREECH. Here are my two favorite things. Getting sugar from him is one. He will grab your face and just kiss you with lots and lots of slobber. It is so sweet. The other is he is starting to hold out his arms for you to get him. For example, when I pick him up from grandmas, I will come up to him and say come here ans he will reach for me to get him. I just LOVE it. Wow, it is amazing how much I love that little boy.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Meeting Aunt Bernice

This past Wednesday my mom, me and Ty packed up and headed to Spring Branch SC. That is right on the border of SC and NC near the Lumber River. We went to see our Aunt Bernice, my grandmother Colleen's sister. My Grandmother passed away in October, so we also went to vist the cemetery and make sure there were flowers on her grave. Aunt Bernice was SOOOO excited to meet Ty and Ty REALLY liked her.

We also got to visit with my Aunt Wanda and cousin Jamie. They live in Latta SC. This was the first time they got to meet Ty as well.

Ty and Aunt Wanda

Jamie, Me, Aunt Bernice and Ty

Ty also got to play on the swing set, teeter totter and lots more with Aunt Bernice. Sometimes I wished we lived in the country. There is so much for children to do. I think the picture of him swinging is hilarious. He is holding on like he is supose to! He is growing up so fast.

Ty did so good on his second road trip. It made me realize how much I am going to have to pack when we go to the beach in June. I felt like I packed half the house for just a single day trip.

Murphy Geddings

How cute are these pictures! We went over to Mike and Cheryl's house to meet their new baby Murphy. He is a mix between Beagle and Dotson (dont know if that is how you spell it). He is the funniest little thing. When he runs, it is sideways and he gives great puppy kisses. Cheryl was "complaining" about having to let him out to potty in the middle of the night and loosing sleep and all I could do was just laugh.

This is a pic of Michael "changing Murphy's diaper" I had to change my baby"s diaper and Mike thought it would be funny to change his baby"s diaper.

Here is a quick pic of the beautiful bride. Doesnt she look great! Cheryl and Mike got married in april.

Here is Mike with Travis and Tony. Aren't they just handsome.