
Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers


Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Autism Walk for Riley

What a day this turned out to be. We went on an Autism walk for a friend of ours who's little girl has Autism. I love to support causes like this especially when I know I am helping a friend out. We were already excited about it being at Finlay Park but really got excited when we realized that ELMO was there. My son has absolutely NO fear of ANY large size character. Even when we are at the mall and the Chick-fil-A cow comes out he has to be pried away from him. Here is Ty with his FAVORITE. ELMO!!!! He could not get enough of him.

Collin on the other hand had to stay atleast 20 feet away. How heartbreaking is that face. He did not like any of the characters.

Here is Ty hugging Cookie Monster all on his own. The hard part is getting him to let go of the hugs.

Elmo once again. He tried to share his snack with him. He likes to be right in their face.

I tried to get him to take a pic with me but I made him mad because I kept him from playing with Elmo.

Here is our wonderful group. They were all so fun. I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The State House

Ty and I took a field trip to The State House and boy was it exhausting.

First of all, I had a picnic packed with lots of fun snacks and drinks, books to read and balls to kick. Ask me, did we use any of that? Nope. Ty had is own agenda and it included: chasing squirrels and birds and people, running through bushes, running down sidewalks, talking to complete strangers, chasing squirrels some more and then climbing steps. You would think the climbing steps would wear a kid out. Not so much.

Here is Ty on the backsteps of the State House. He had so much fun running around and watching the other childern that were there on field trips.

Here is a brief moment where I had him contained and got him to eat something.

Now we are playing with those squirrels. One keeps getting away from him (thank goodness) and he gets a little annoyed. The squirrels there are so use to people that you can almost touch them before they run. Ty would get maybe a foot away and they would run.

My handsome little fella.

I think this may be a spot we go to when we have a lot of energy and need to run it off. He had so much fun.
I know now that I dont need to pack a picnic and toys and to put more than an hour of time on the meter.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Ty's Favorite 2 Summer things

Here are Ty's 2 FAVORITE summer things to do.

1. Play in the sand box. He would be in that thing for HOURS if I would let him. I have it in the garage to keep the bugs out and so he can play out of the sun. The sand unfortunatly is mortar sand so it sticks to everything even his skin. You can not just wipe it off. So, I filled up his pool and after the sand box we ALWAYS get in to get the sand off so we dont take it all inside.

2. In the pool. That is his second favorite thing to do. Either at home or at the neighborhood pool. He loves the water.