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Thursday, February 17, 2011

24 Week Appointment

Went in for my 24 week appointment and had a chance to go over things with the DR.  We have set a plan of action and I will go in on March 1st for an ultrasound.  We will be making sure there is no water on the brain and  no cyst has formed. We will also look to see how the vermis has matured since the last U/S.  The baby's heartbeat was 132 which is good.  I also got the ball rolling on getting a neurologist/neurosurgeon.  They sent referral papers over so as soon as things get squared away with them, I will meet with that Dr. and get his opinion on the situation and what he thinks will be the best course for when she is born.  I am also requesting a fetal MRI.  I am terribly afraid of having her put to sleep so soon after being born to have an MRI done to asses her situation.  I figure I would rather endure the 90 minute process and have the MRI done while she is still in my belly and the risk involved with anesthesia is eliminated and they are still able to get all the info they need.  Thanks so much for all of your prayers and thoughts.  They have meant so much to Travis and I.  As soon as I know more, I will pass it on.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Found your blog by way of Rachel Jones. Don't know if you remember me but my name is Alyssa Elkins(and now Rhodes). Went to USC and was involved at Shandon and was good friends with Bradford Carter. My blog is therhodesfam.blogspot.com. You can cheeck me out there if you want. Anyway, I just randomly was reading your blog and saw that your sweet baby girl has been diagnosed with DWS. I am actually 2 weeks away from delivering my little girl who was diagnosed with the very same thing. Would love to talk to you about everything that we have learned about DWS up until now...if you feel comfortable. I am living in Statesboro, GA where my husband is a campus minister at GSU. I will be delivering our baby in Savannah though, which is an hour away, bc that is where the specialists are. Have gotten second opinions from doctors at MUSC and have been really blessed to have a lot of knowledgeable doctors point us to the right people and in the right direction. I believe that this random "stumbling" across your blog may be providential from the Lord.
Anyway, I know this is kinda strange and out of the blue but it might be nice to talk to someone that is going through the same things as you are, and is almost at the end of the road, as far as pregnancy goes. My email is cutiepie257@hotmail.com (my husband hates this email address but its the one i picked as a freshman in college!) Would love to connect! Hope to hear from you soon!