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Monday, September 24, 2012

Chemo....Here I Come

First of all, my God is a BIG God.  There is nothing He can not handle or see me through.  I met with Dr. Ackerman today.  It is now time to get my chemo schedule.  I have been so eager to get to this point, but now that it is here, I must say I'm just a little nervous.  So here is a recap of our appointment.  On September 27, I go for a 2D heart ultra sound.  This will give us a baseline of my heart function to compare to during my treatment.  One of the drugs has a very slim chance of affecting the heart muscle.  On Friday, I go to my chemo class.  This will hopefully give me a glimpse as to what is to come.  They will answer questions on what to eat, how to handle side effects, and any other questions I may have.  On Tuesday October 2, I receive my first chemo.  I will start on Cytoxan and Adriamycin. I will get this every 3 weeks for 4 cycles.  The Adriamycin is what will probably cause my hair to fall out.  Once I finish with this round of meds, I will switch to Taxol. This will be every weeks for 12 weeks. So all together, it should take about 6 months to get through the chemo.  I can not believe how much support I have had through all of this.  So many people have sent so many encouraging notes and well wishes.  Thank you, each of you.  "I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me." Philippians 4:13

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