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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Lymph Node Test Results

The power of prayer.  What a mighty thing it is.  I have been so worried about how many lymph nodes were actually infected with cancer.  Worry.  Doesn't God say to not worry and to cast your cares upon Him?  Yes He does.  So I gave it to the Lord.  I know He will take care of me no matter the results.  So I have another follow up appointment with Dr. Bunch on July 25th to check on the incision and the drain tubes.  We walk in and the first thing he says as he is still walking in is ONLY ONE NODE WAS POSITIVE FOR CANCER!  I had not even been able to comprehend it.  He was excited.  I was relieved.  Travis just hugged me.  Only ONE.  God is so good.  GOD IS SO GOOD.


susan wilhelm said...

God bless you!! Thank you for sharing!

Erika said...

That is great news! I tear up with almost every blog you post. I am so thankful you are recovering so well.
Keep on, Keepin' on, Lady!