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Thursday, June 12, 2008

My Husbands Child!

The verdict is in. This is Travis's child. I wanted to find out soooo bad what the sex of the baby was before I went out of town. Travis talked to the nurse while I gave "samples" and told her I wanted to find out the sex and she said the doctor just wouldn't do it today. Well, I just casually asked him and told him I was going out of town and really wanted to know and he said..Hold on and got an ultrasound machine. The nurse came in and was like...I can't believe you got him to give you an ultrasound.

The doctor said if he could see anything, he would tell us the sex, but couldn't make promises. Here is where "this is Travis's child come in" . I am so excited and ready to find out and then all of a sudden the stubbornness of Travis comes out in the baby and it won't turn for us to "see". I am pushing and prodding and still nothing. I bet "it" is like: This is my show and I will tell you when I want you to know. That is so my husband.

Then, the whole time they are looking at the baby, I am laying there not being able to see anything and listening to them: there's a foot, this is his femur, that is the head. Travis got to see everything while I layed there and pushed on the baby and tried not to pee on myself.

All in all, the appointment went great. Blood pressure is still real good and the baby's heartbeat was beautiful. It is amazing how fast tears can come to someones eyes the moment they hear a heartbeat. My next appointment is on July 3. This is when they do the BIG ultrasound where they take all kinds of measurements and I WILL find out the sex. They said it should take about an hour. It should be fun. So far, I have liked all the doctors in the practice that I have seen. The one today was rather cute. Anyway, I am heading for the beach and will post again when I return. Love to all.

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