
Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers


Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Thursday, July 3, 2008

What we have all been waiting for!!!!

So are you ready to know what we are having?! It's a BOY!!!!! We are so excited. When the nurse started the ultrasound, I just knew it was going to take forever to find out the sex after our last experience with it. Nope! Right away she said hello little boy. Travis quickly responded "it's a boy?????!!!!!" He was elated. I started to cry and never stopped through the whole ultrasound (which took 45 minutes). Our technician was awesome. She explained everything we were seeing. She sent us home with 15 pictures. This little boy is already showing many mannerisms of his daddy. First of all he sleeps with his hands under his head, just like his daddy, he doesn't like to take pictures, just like his daddy, and he is STUBORN, JUST LIKE HIS DADDY. I have a feeling this is going to be a daddy's boy and not so much a mommas boy. Hopefully he wont pick up habits from him like not eating vegetables and liking real expensive toys.

Here are some stats from our visits. The baby is weighing in at 1lb and I am 20 weeks and 5 days along, but the baby is measuring at 21 weeks and 4 days. He's a growing boy. He is in the 92 percentile which is excellent! His heartbeat was 157. The nurse said he is in a breach position, but not to worry, there is time for him to turn. I am already praying to God that he gets in the right position. I really want a natural birth (with an epidural or 2, of course!).

I have lots of pictures to show, but I have not scanned them in yet. I will try to get it done tomorrow at work. There is a real funny one where he is flexing his bicep muscle at us. It is too cute.

Well, I am off to look at baby furniture and bedding. Now the work begins. Hope everyone is well.


Gamesox Family said...

WOO HOO I am so excited. I knew that was why Travis was calling! I tried his cell back and he did not answer and I do not have your home number with me at the beach. I am so glad I checked your blog so I did not have to wait anymore!!!! YAHOO! Any names yet?

Unknown said...

So excited for you!! There is something about a mama and her boy!