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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

4th Doctors Appointment

Ty had his 2nd check up today. He loves his doctor. Today we found out that most babies loose a bunch of weight after they are born and hopefully by the time they are 2 weeks old they have gotten back up to their birth weight. Well, Ty not only reached his birth weight, he gained a pound! Yep, he weighed in at 11 pounds exactly and grew from 22 1/4 to 22 3/4 inches. He is a growing boy. He is waaayy past the national average.

Ty is also starting to look at people more for a longer period of time. Last night he looked at his daddy for a while and responded to his voice. It was so awesome. He also picked up his head and turned it over all on his own while he was laying on daddy's chest. Here are some of Ty's "quirks":
-He hates to have his arms pinned down. For example, when we swaddle him, he does not like to have his arms under the covers. We have to pull them out.
-Anytime you move him, he grunts and moans like we are messing up his comfort. It is so funny.
-He likes to purse his lips in a circle. It looks like he is trying to whistle.
-He doesn't care for his feet to be messed with. I assume this comes from being stuck in the NICU so many times.
-He likes to "poot" alot and he smiles when he does it (like his daddy).

He is such a good boy and we enjoy every minute with him. Here are some cute pics:


The Bledsoe's said...

he is absolutely gorgeous, i mean handsome. I can't wait to see him again. love ya, heather

Stacey said...

He is so adorable! I can't wait for Savannah, Jackson and Ty to meet.