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Monday, November 3, 2008

No baby yet!

I went in for another NST appt this morning and had the same problem keeping Ty's heartbeat. He just did not want to cooperate. We finally got a good rhythm and he made some good movements after we buzzed him TWICE! I was in there forever! I went to see the doc afterwards and she said we are maybe dilated 1cm. Oh come on!!!!! I am ready already. She said we are just waiting on some consistent contractions. She also changed my appt on Thursday from and NST one to a growth ultrasound. Yep, If I make it to Thursday (which I hope I do not) I will get to see how big he is now. It kinda scares me. If he is measuring to big, they may just schedule me a c-section. Not sure though.

Since about 2 o'clock today, I have been having some pretty good contractions. Some being 7 minutes apart and some as much as 15 minutes apart. Nothing consistent though. It is kinda frustrating not know what to expect with a first child. I am sometimes not sure of what I am feeling. Ugghhh. I'm learning though. I will keep all posted. It could be any day now, but knowing my luck, I will go past my due date!


The Bledsoe's said...

Hang in there babe. I know it is frustrating. When I had Brayden, I contracted it seemed like for ever and when I finally went to the hospital and they checked me they said I was only 2 cms. I wanted a recheck. C'mon after all that and only 2. I'll pray he comes soon.

Sara P.B. said...

Praying for you sweetheart. Ty will be here before you know it and your lives will never be the same.

Jenny said...

Jennifer...my sweet Jennifer!!! I found your blog through a comment on The Joye's blog!!! CONGRATULATIONS on your baby boy to be! Being a mom is the best gift ever!!! I would love to catch up with you. Email me sometime or something.

Jenny Butler Gray