
Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers


Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Friday, October 16, 2009

11 months!

Wow how time flies. I know I missed a 10 month post but when babies start crawling you start chasing! We have been so busy lately. Ty has grown so much. He started crawling about 2 weeks after he turned 10 months. Now he is on full throttle. Nothing slows him down. I have even seen him crawl over the dog and as most of you know, we have a large dog. Toby, our dog, just looks at him like " what are you doing? you are being very annoying!" He loves to be in his walker and can go so FAST in it. You have to wear shoes or he will runover your toes. He loves to play with balls. He will roll them and then chase them. He does better at that than my dog does at fetching! He still loves a bath and will play play play as long as I let him. We are having problems with diaper changing right now. He does not like it! He screams and rolls and screams and rolls and refuses to lay still for it. If I give him the telephone he will usually lay still long enough for me to finish. He is also into this hitting phase where he like to whap mommy across the face. He thinks it is funny but I do not. I know he is doing it for just plain meaness sometimes because he gives me that look. Then he will be a "sweet boy" and just love all on me. He is definately growing into his personality! He has been in 18 month clothing and size 4 shoes for some time now and is still growing like a weed! Ever since we got the tubes put in we have not had to go back to the doctor so I am not sure of his weight. We go for his YEAR check up (as I sit here and almost cry) in 2 WEEKS! I just cant believe it! He still has only 5 teeth with 2 more ready to break through. I think that is what has been waking him up at night again. He was doing so well sleeping through the night. He is also doing a lot of mimicing! He does bye bye, smacks his lips, sticks his tounge out and i am sure other things that I just can not remember. All in all we are all doing well. We are just so proud of our little man. He amazes us everyday with his new "skills". We love you Ty.
Is it bad that I am posting this pic? I thought it was hilarious!

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