
Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers


Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Last day with Toby

Today was the last day with our wonderful weimaraner Toby. We got Toby when he was 9 weeks old. He will turn 6 in April. He is a beautiful dog that loves to be around people. We believe Ty is allergic to him (as we all know, I am allergic to EVERYTHING, even Toby) as he probably inherited this from me. So for the sake of allergies and sickness, we had to find Toby a new home. I must say we hit the jackpot when we found his wonderful family. They live in Orangeburg and had a weim previously that passed away. In talking with them, we found out that her daughter's weim is Toby's BROTHER!!!! Crazy huh? So we knew we found the perfect fit. They are very good to their dogs. They even bought their last dog, a pontoon!! They have a house at Lake Murray that they come to every weekend. So I will be able to see Toby on occasion which makes me super happy. So sad to see him with a new family, but so happy that they will love him like I do!

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