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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

How much stuff does a BABY need!!!!????

I need to give a very special thanks to my sister Missy and a dear friend Heather. I have finally finished my registry at Babies R Us. Not knowing what to get besides a car seat, stroller, pack n play and high chair, these two helped me tremendously. After Travis and I tried to do it, we realized we needed help and I called my sister. First mistake when we got there was giving her the scanner. She was too excited to trust her with the thing. We started with what Trav and I had already registered for and she showed me many more things I needed to add. Stuff that I wouldn't even think of like medicines. The most fun was picking out gowns but that seemed to be difficult because I just know I am going to have a 10lb baby and the 0-3 month is just going to be passed by. I really enjoyed spending this time with my sister. I know how excited she is about this baby. I just hope I get to hold him. Hahaha. Heather went with me another day. She is the breastfeeding expert. She has a 2 year old and twins that are 3 months old. She is a pro at it now. She showed me all the "life savers" in breastfeeding. What helped her the most and which brands she liked the best. One tip that I think I never would have realized was that about Butt Cream. If you look at the active ingredient in Destin, Destin Creamy, Bourdeaux butt cream and so on, you will see the percentage of the active ingredient is all different. On the Original Destin, the percentage is, I believe, 40% as opposed to the others at like 11%. See, these are things I just don't know about! Thanks Heather :)! I have my next appointment in one week, August 26th. I have to drink the sugar water and should be getting a growth ultrasound to see just how big this boy is getting. I'll keep you posted!

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